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May 30, 2010

Eurovision 2010 - is the winner

Who has not watched yesterday Eurovision-2010, which passed the city of Oslo, the capital of Norway, the grace I beg to view a video clip of the contest winners. After years of the Eurovision 2011 will take place in Germany. She brought home the victory young girl, Lena Meyer. Against the background of most of the other depressive songs of this year, her room was cheerful, young and simple. For which the people voted.

Enjoying a performance in Germany at the Eurovision 2010 with the song "Satellite":

But from the Ukraine in the Eurovision came a girl with a pseudo "Alyosha" (Alyosha) in the life of Alan Driver. Although her song and complicated to understand, but her voice and performance will enable it to take a worthy 10th place in the competition.

Watch her performance at Eurovision 2010: Eurovision 2010 Ukraine. Alyosha "Sweet People".

May 28, 2010

You dismiss? And put into the computer for me?

Imagine often nowadays the situation that you are working in an office or even in the workplace you have a computer. It is of course connected to the Internet and you will naturally use during working hours all the benefits of World Wide Web. Such as: personal e-mail, social networks such as "VKontakte" and "Classmates", ICQ, and various forums and conferences and so on. In most of these services, you go automatically after the first authorization. Besides all this, you have stored personal information, such as: pictures, videos, books, files and much more. And then you quit or be fired - this is already released. In consequence, there is a question like: "... how to remove from my former company worker, my mailing address in your inbox. And then he (email address) comes automatically, but what I need someone to read my mail ... . This, incidentally, the real question to the article: "How do I delete a mailbox on Yandex" . Since the question seemed to me urgent, I detest more extensive disclosure of the theme in a separate post.  

Take away their files

Certainly the simplest thing - is to take their files. To do this we need the bulk USB-flash card , or a good relationship with the admin of your computer network and a DVD or CD discs (blank discs). Rewrite your files to the media and delete them from your computer. It does not copy confidential information of the company, and then anything can happen ... And do not forget to clean the shopping cart on your desktop - all deleted files you want to temporarily move back and can easily be recovered by your successors. Of course it does not insure you against that copy the contents of your computer is not stored on the server your computer network company.

Remove automatic authorization for services

I already wrote an article about cookies, how they work and why they are needed . That is exactly the case. Of course, conveniently once to enter your login and password to log in and then go in automatically. But there is a risk that after you quit or your computer is commonplace will give another person, he can go to your personal page or e-mail, if you use it via the website e-mail service ( Yandex Mail , @ Mail.Ru and so on ).

Therefore, as a minimum, you must enter the last time with this company for each service and always click on "Exit." Thus, in most cases, your machine will be deleted cookies files and undo the automatic authorization. Try it now, at the same Vkontakte, for example.

Remove the passwords to the sites in the browser

All modern browsers (the program for viewing Internet) have a feature that stores passwords in order for you to single click to insert data for authentication on the web. Accordingly, these passwords should also be removed.

In Opera , a red "O") is made this way: Tools -> Advanced -> Manage Passwords -> select the site and click "Delete"

In Internet Explorere (blue badge "e"): "Tools" -> "Internet Options" -> "General" tab -> in "Browsing History" click "Delete" -> click on "Passwords" -> "Remove". There can and clean cookies.

If the passwords you have written somewhere in a file or program, they also need to remove. In the future, but anyway, just in case, change passwords everywhere.

What to do with e-mail

If you do not use a mail program to receive mail on your computer, and only use site email service, you need to do the procedure described above.

If you are using corporate email accounts via e-mail program, you need to remove personal letters and empty the Recycle Bin in the program.

If you use the mailer The Bat or Outlook Express, to get letters from your personal mailbox, you must delete the account to your mailbox in the program.

To do this:

 if viewed mail program The Bat, then open the menu tab "box" and then "Delete Mailbox" -> select "permanently delete" and presses "Yes";
 if viewed mail program Outlook Express, then: Tools -> Accounts -> click on the name box -> Delete -> confirm by clicking on "Yes".

In other programs, the principle is similar.

Hopefully, the main points of action to be taken in this situation are clear. Naturally there are different nuances peculiar to you and your work.

May 21, 2010

Yandex swing at Google :) and with what Opera

Today I want to introduce a new milestone, so to speak, in the development of one of the leading search engines in runet. Namely: a new version of Yandex search for the English segment of the Internet. While working in the Alpha version, but the changes have already appeared in the main interface of the search engine.

It is this version at and has yet fairly austere design. Interface page of search results similar to the standard runetovskoy. But now, for the same search request made by a Latin, is available to you two versions of search results: global and kirilichnaya. You can switch between them at delivering results.

If you ask such English-language request Russian version of the search engine, you will also be possible to switch between the following search options: "all", "in uanete" (or "in runet"), a global Internet. " If you have Cyrillic request, then such a choice is not available in both versions of the search engine.

Well, we'll see in the future, how successful the project will be And whether or not a company to grab a piece of market content, as apparently hopes. But you, if you are looking for a lot of information in English, then you probably use Google, Bing , or Yahoo!, and now have the opportunity to compare the results. Moreover, the opportunity to switch to search for your query in other systems, also remained in the bottom of the page with the issuance of the results on Yandex.

Let's talk about how we start actively using this search. When will the search engine toolbars for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer difficult to say, therefore, if desired, place the address of its home page of these programs . But for the browser Opera , you can change the search form to express the panel on the method described below.

Do the following steps:

launch the Opera browser
we click on the top menu on "Tools"
then Click on "General Preferences"
In the window that appears open the tab "Search"
see a list of services on which the opera has a search and right click on "Add, Edit, Delete"
Hit the "Add"

A form appears where you want to fill in:

"Title" - any such ""
"Push" - need to select required (press some key on the keyboard, for example "L")
"Address" - insert " =% s", without quotes
Check the box next to "Use as the search for Express-panel
Click "OK"

Now, on the express panel, when you open a new tab the browser Opera, a working panel should appear on the search I have, in any case, she now works.

And by the way, you can gain an express bar shape search and other search services in the list of the Opera (Yandex, Vkontakte, Meyl.Ru, Wikipedia, Google). To do this, select and click on "Edit-More", then tick the "Use as the search for Express-panel and click" OK ".

Video podcast - Review, and the method to add the search form to express panel Opera

Download video in ". Avi" format (21.11 Mb)

May 19, 2010

Why and why to promote sites

There is a common misconception among novice webmasters and managers of firms who were making their first sites. An inexperienced person thinks that creating a website, it immediately rush of the crowd of visitors and potential customers. And, of course, are frustrated. After all, attendance at the young site will be extremely low. And if nothing can be done, then such and will remain for a long time.

To correct this situation and do promotion sites. The ultimate goal is to work to promote an increase in site traffic from major search engines Google and Yandex. Why should be taken as a basis for the search engines? Because visitors from search engines are vysokotselevymi and they are looking for a network exactly the information, products or services, which is offered on the site promoted.

The second largest source of visitors at the moment are various popular social networks. Through social networks ("social sphere") is also possible to promote websites to attract targeted visitors. For what it concerns websites completely different direction. Because at this time among users of social networks, there are people completely different sex, age, social status and affluence. Furthermore necessarily needed and the classic way to promote your site. There is a view of placing links on your resource from other sites within the network. This gives a more direct traffic from those sites, and the advancement of the site in search engines and their SERP.

Important for the promotion and has its contents. This must match the search queries for which the site is progressing. Site content must be optimized for this.

Naturally all of these issues best left to professionals on optimization and promotion. Self-promotion sites, usually ineffective if people do not have special knowledge and skills. A similar work enough years of experience and constant new information about changes in the work of popular search engines, new software and specialized services.

Hellawes on NASHEstvie 2009

I could not resist not to put video from the speech Hellawes (group "Melnitsa" ) at the festival  "NASHEstvie 2009" ("Invasion 2009"). At the same time and you, dear readers, may be attracted to the ranks of fans of folk-rock in its execution.

So, get a real drive with the song "Wolfhound"!

May 17, 2010

The easiest way to download videos from

The question of how to download video from YouTube I have raised in an article in the blog: "How to save YouTube videos to my computer". In this article I want to supplement it and a little bit to develop. For me at the moment the easiest way to download videos from video sharing, namely, YouTube is a program Download Master (download). I am about it as already stated in the article "Downloading files from the network using Download Master" and do video podcasts, but the topic did not affect the video hosting.

Meanwhile, manufacturers claim that Download Master can download, save and view videos from videoservices: YouTube, Google Video, RuTube, Видео, Rambler Vision. But I want to just note that periodically there are changes on the websites of these services and the program stops Waist video. On this occasion once to "knock" a support to their forum. Of course this quickly corrected and a new version of the program to download and reinstall. This information should be considered when using DMaster and other such programs for downloading videos.

How does the process of downloading videos?

All pretty simple. If you are on video services, then you can simply copy the address of the page type "" and a download program Download Master.

To do this:

• copied to the clipboard a reference to a page with video
• open the program Download Master
• Click on the menu on the "download"
• Click on "Add download"
• In the window that opens to insert the field "Link (URL)" paste the address (it may already be there)
• press the "Start download"

The program will start work on finding the original reference to the movie and start downloading. If all goes well, then you'll see in Listing downloads, roller weight and estimated time it uploads, which depends on your Internet connection.

After the download you can find the video file in the download folder of the program. Then have viewed it in video player such as Media Player Classic from the package K-Lite Codec Pack, or with FLV flashplayer
Also in the program DM, you can adjust the capacity in which you want to download video. To do this, go to "Tools-Options-Downloads". At the bottom you will see the setting: "The desired quality when downloading from the" YouTube ". By default it is set the best video quality, 720p (HD)". However, you can choose 480p or 360r if you want to download more quickly in the worst quality.

I note the point that the 720 pixels you can get only when the author of video uploaded to its service in high quality. In other cases, you will get what is actually - it is unlikely that the video from a normal cell phone would be high quality.

Video Pod casts - How to Download Master download videos from You Tube

Free movie of ". Avi" format (26.8 Mb)

May 13, 2010

Like a cat Iggy mastered iPad Apple

Tablet PC Apple iPad became a sensation this season and immediately bought a lot of supporters and opponents. Accordingly, it was and there are many controversies surrounding this device. And, of course, different jokes. One videoprikolov and will present to your attention. He bolee5 million views on YouTube. Observe how the kitten has mastered the computer and understand that nothing is impossible in this world for you:)))

Video - The Cat and the iPad