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Jan 12, 2013

Find pictures in the image Google Image

This post can be divided into two parts. In the first I will talk about their own service image search in Google Image, when using an oral search query, but the actual image. Second - How to Make Friends Opera browser with Google Image.

Ability to search for the original image appeared in Google Images (Google Image) recently. Now, when you need to find an image, you can go two ways.

The traditional way, which is available in all search engines - a search on a search phrase. It can include name, description, or something inherent in the individual entity sought. You enter it in the form at the service, such as Google Image , press a search and get the results on the screen.

It can be said that the search for a source image is similar. But you'll need:
First, click on the camera icon to the right of the search form.
On the form "image search" link to an image you want to find similar, if available, or click on "Upload".
Click "Browse" and select the desired image your computer. There must warn. What if you have a slow connection, you might have a problem with uploading image files are large. Here it is time to decide what you need.
After the time required to download a file, the service will give you immediate results.

Here again we must understand that the service can find the identical image as if it exists and is based Google Image, and pictures suitable for composition, colors. Or will be employed and the metadata of the image. That is, the result can be quite unpredictable and interesting)))).

Video review "image search Google Image":

It should be noted that the service allows you to work with a browser Google Chrome and other browsers with higher versions: Firefox 3.0 , Internet Explorer 8 , Safari 5.0. As you can see in the list otrutstvuet Opera, and so we come to the second part of today's article.

How to teach the Opera search for images in Google Image

Indeed, if you go to the image search on Google using the Opera, we will not see an icon with a camera and not be able to immediately start searching existing image or photograph. And with a lack of support for some services of the Opera I have come across before, when studying services online maps such as Google Maps, and Yandex.Maps Bing Maps. There and found a solution.

As it turned out, the services can still work with Opera, and Opera itself built a tool that will help us.
Do the following:
We go to the search page in Google Image (
Click on the keyboard "F12", or go to the menu "Tools" - "Quick Settings". In both cases, in the window that appears click on the "Edit Site Preferences ..."
A window in the upper part of which find and click "Network" tab
At the bottom of the window to see a form of "Browser identification". Select it "Identify as Firefox" and click "OK"
Now reload the page with the form of image search and you'll see the camera icon will appear.

Well ... I at least appear. Then you can safely use the image search service on the picture)))

Video review "Browser Opera - image search Google Image":

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