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Sep 19, 2013

How to send a message to the author YouTube video

The desire to communicate directly with the author laid out on the YouTube video you can have multiple reasons. It may have something to offer, ask specifically to praise or criticize. If all that you hesitate to do in the comments to the video. Or simply comments are disabled, as is sometimes doing different authors for their own reasons.
Therefore, today's article will be devoted to how to write a letter to the author of the video YouTube.

It's easy. For example, open a video for this article on YouTube and click on "vladekas753" underneath. That way, you'll channel my "π - A popular Internet". Accordingly, if needed by the other videos viewed, you need to act as well.

In the browser page opens youtube channel's videos. There you can see a lot of different stuff, including the most recently added videos, view the trailer channel (if any), see the links on the official website of the owner of the channel.

But to send a message to the author video on YouTube, click the link under the heading channel "information."

This opens a window where click on the link (click) the "Send Message".

This will open a contact form that actually leave your message. For the latter, fill the form:
Write a subject line
Enter your message to the author video
You can add your videos using the "Attach a video". Click on "Your Video" in the box and from the drop-down list, select your desired video
Then click the "Send Message" and the letter will go to the address.

Then in your account you can view your sent messages in "Inbox, Sent." And in the next section to see the answers.

Subscribe to the channel "PI - The popular Internet" >>>

Video about the new interface How to Send a Message to author the videos on YouTube >>>

How to send a letter to the old interface YouTube

It may happen that you get to the channel's website, in which it was made back in the old interface Yutuba. In this case, do the following:

Go to the desired channel's website. Find the right-hand column "Author:" The login channel owner. "The right of this will see the black triangle button (down arrow). Click on it. Appears link" Send message ", which again press. You open the form through which you can send and letter.

Attention! To do this, you must be logged in to YouTube!

Fill out the form below:
Enter the e-mail subject
Write the message text
If you want to add your videos using the "Attach a video".

After that, click the "Send Message" and the letter will go to the recipient.

Then in your account can view the letter in the "Inbox, Sent Mail"

Video of the old interface How to send a message to the author YouTube video >>>

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