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Dec 31, 2009

Happy New 2010!

Hello friends

Now, on the eve of New year 2010, the year the silver tiger.

I sincerely want to congratulate you, the end of the old year and entry into a new one.

Let it be a complex and dynamic, but "Snow White" as its symbol.

But, I think he will bring us all a lot of new, interesting, good and beautiful.

I wish you all happiness and excellent health in the New Year. 


Happy New Year to you!

Song as a gift. Chris Rea - Driving Home For Christmas


How to congratulate on the holiday with an e-card

On the eve of the New 2010 Silver Tiger, has decided to upgrade its last year's publication: "How Happy New Year via the Internet". That is, how to upgrade. I'll tell and show in the format overview of the process of creating and sending e-mail greeting card. Will I do this on the example of a free service

Services that can be used for electronic greetings, in fact, a lot. This POSTCARD.RU,, Yandex.Otkrytki and Rambler-cards. However, the process of creating greeting cards for all of them absolutely similar.

Perform the following steps:
--Come Home service.
Choosing the category cards, which you need. This can be as postcards to a specific holiday (New Year, Valentine's Day and so on) and simply the most popular.
-Select images you like cards and clicks on it.
-Opens form editing cards with her image

What do editing of Cards:
- Shall specify elements Recipient (email address and name)
- If necessary, you can specify multiple recipients
- In the "Message" create a text of his congratulations. Here you can change, the text font, size, color and arrangement of parts.
- Choose the background color postcards, which will be for the image and text.
- Choose a pattern on the background of the list.
- Choose a melody for the letter. You can listen to the choice
- Sets the date for sending the letter: denYu month, year.
- Use the check boxes, if you will, on the options: "Get a copy of the postcard and receive notification of viewing cards"
- click "Send"

The man whom you congratulate receive a letter notifying the arrival of his cards, with reference to the latter. When he goes on the link, they will see and hear your work. Also, it can immediately send you a postcard in reply. You also will notice about viewing cards.

Do not forget to please your loved ones.

Dec 26, 2009

On the apparent anonymity of the Internet. We remove the mask

Let's talk about anonymity on the Internet. Initially, creating your site, I even planned a category of articles on it. But, never wrote a single article. Although: "The question, of course, an interesting ...».

I will try to address this issue, both from the technical side and with the user. On the technical side, however, briefly - at the very not much experience in the matter, and it is boring. But by the simple user, try a little to tell, both on circumstantial evidence, to email, nickname and domains to their sites, look for people on the Internet. For complete and absolute work of my methods do not pretend to - I do not kulhatsker, and a simple user. Let's start.

Many beginning Internet users think they are anonymous. And be honest, behave in the network is not quite as behaving in life. And they are deeply wrong in this delusion. Even with the technical side, IP-address of your computer is always transmitted in the network. And the concerned service can "shake" your internet provider, when asked what he belonged to a subscriber at any given time. Even I, who have information about visitors, and aypishniku can roughly see where visitors come from. I do this using WHOIS-service, which many in the Internet. You, even now, you can also find out how you personally see the network (service - My IP Address). Similarly, working system of statistics of external services that I use on the site, and who use all the other webmaster and services in the network.

Of course, you can use a proxy server to change the IP - they can be configured in any browser. However, it turns out, they also pass the source IP-address in one of the parameters. And, if the site hosting the Software is installed, then the original IP can identify. That is, complete anonymity is not provided and the use of proxies as anonymizer. Moreover, they are both free and paid. Accordingly - slow and fast, in terms of speed of data transmission.

Alternatively, there is still socks-protocol, which, in principle, actually changes the IP address of his Socks-server. This method works like a proxy server. Information from the computer goes on the server service, and then, with a changed IP, the network.

This cheerful note, the technical aspects of anonymity in the network I stop to consider. Next, we consider real cases from his experience of finding people online.

Search your contacts with the man on the domain of his site

Need to find a contact with the author of the website may arise from various causes. For example, you want to place his ads or get advice on the issues covered on the site. A contact form on the resource is not available. As for me, so there was no need for such good reasons. I had to contact the author of the site on the deployment of its resources, articles from this blog, without complying with the rules of copyright content. Articles published without any mention of the source and without respect for their structure. And it was published without a simple thematic tex links, which are often very strongly complement the main content of articles. This is done by machine using different software.

I found this site by accident. Naturally, I had this reaction. To find there was just the domain of the site. To find the postal address of the owner of the site I used the Whois-service. Introduced in the search form data on the domain, its name and got the data. They are open, and, as a rule, e-mail address and name of the owner of the domain is present. Other data, up to residential address, as specified during the registration of the domain. But recently, web designer, finally got the opportunity to conceal personal information from public viewing. In general, the issue was settled, and the article removed from his site.

REM: So, you have the opportunity to learn information about me. Mmm, yes ... it is difficult to maintain your site and remain incognito. :)

Find people by e-mail

Life on the Internet without e-mail is not possible. If you are registered address for a single use of fictitious data to a free service, you will find the common man would be unlikely. But when you are actively using this address, then there is another matter.

Banal search using the search engine results for «name@mailserwis.zona», will show any reference to the address on the sites. Namely: your profiles on forums and other services for communicating, domains, sites that are in that mailbox are registered and so on. Thus, it is possible to make contact with the man to know his name and the city where he lives.

Knowing the city and the name, you can download the phone book and try to come with him on bond. Similar case describes one of the authors infoproduktov. Then the buyer does not have an address for sending the product and he had to go for us on the phone. The reaction of people was then, surprised, but there is no hacking techniques are not used.

Even easier with people who have boxes on Mail.Ru. If you have an account there, then going under the authorization of service "My World", just change the address bar of your browser to link your username to the login target mailbox. Will be released something like: «». Accordingly, you will come into the world of the subscriber created during registration. At least the name and last name will be there, of course, if they are not invented and people used the service open.

Another point, which concerns the people leading your Internet project. At any hosting site is the ability to create a large number of mailboxes that will have an icon after the "@" domain name site. After all, take, for example, the same «@». «» - here a web address. I have this to the fact that the domain name by copying and pasting it into your browser, you can click on «Enter», and go to the website owner's domain. You will be on the main page of a Web resource. If this is not the postal service, of course - then you will come to service.

REM: Oops ... And why it is all about? After all, you can now investigate all the secret and the gray part of my past and present on the Internet. :)))

Find people by nickname (login)

The incident happened when I did not find the man and his site for his email. The case occurred recently, and is connected with my newly open forum ( It registered person and put my claim that I tyryu his ideas. Not knowing a dream, nor spirit, neither he nor his site, had to spend time and find his project. Registration email it was with the domain site, but not the one he had in mind. Had to drive in search of his username, alias domain site. Then these parameters coincide. And you know, strangely enough, I found his profile on one of the free services of online diaries. There were also references to two of his site, one of which has sought a niche site for learning the use of the Internet novices, as well as name and date of birth. True if the past I really do not know. But, it does not matter. The result is a private correspondence with him, I deleted our intercourse with him at the forum on his own request.

The essence of this story is. Many users of the network, and including myself, use their same nicknames (he same login, it is ASA) at different sites (forums, blogs, social networks). It is on these names can also go to the person. Not fact, of course, that another user on the other resource does not use the same nickname.

Perhaps, in this this article I will conclude. Techniques described are simple and obvious. Rather, they are not open to most of you. Not always, they will work. But, the article in general, and does not purport to be complete, and probably ever will be written by another more complete.

REM: And this ... All that I have described, please use to improve your communication network, and not for other purposes, OK.

Dec 20, 2009

How to understand the question, or misunderstood the importance of the words

Already several blog readers and mailing drew my attention to the comments and letters, the obvious problem of beginners: "What do you mean this or that term?". And they certainly are right. It is only with time, using the Internet, talking on the forums, almost automatic, but with time comes understanding of the many words that are specific just for the network, and often it is used. What should be done first, or during a meeting with a new niche in the Internet? 

Imagine the situation. You are reading an article explaining that, for example, "How to create a mailbox on Yandex". You read like a big deal. But suddenly you realize that the essence of the article from you slips and understanding of the issue, no!

As it turns out, blame - Misunderstood, somewhere in the beginning of the text word. Well have to go back to the beginning of the text and find it. For the article "How to create a mailbox for ..." these words may well be the word - "Account. If clarification of the term "Account", then, in fact - is the user account in the Internet service, his personal office in any online service. But lack of understanding of this term leads to misunderstanding of the whole procedure of its receipt.

I must admit that at one time this term, like many others are specific to the network, and aroused in me a complete misunderstanding of some aspects. To combat this problem was possible only one way - will explain and understand for themselves the meaning of the term, and only then, go further.

To help us come to search engines, dictionaries and encyclopedias. If you need a will explain the term, simply enter it in the line search engines Yandex and Google. If on the first page issued to browse sites you will not find a notation - it will be at least strange. In this case, add the word phrase: "The meaning of the word" or "what" - likely explanation exists. But as a rule, more recently, by entering onogo words in the search box in the first place you'll see a link to a page in the free online encyclopedia "Wikipedia" ( with the explanation of the word.

Wiki - a unique creation. In filling encyclopedia participate many thousands of ordinary users intrneta. You can also join the case. Encyclopedia exist in many languages and developed by enthusiasts in many countries (including the Russian, Ukrainian, English languages).

In general, what am I saying this? If you met in the pages of my blog or mailing misunderstood word, then use search and a wiki - it is a very good tools for clarification of terms.

In the case of Wikipedia is you can even just copy the address "" (make the cursor and press the key combination Ctrl + C), insert it into the address bar of the program (place the cursor there and press Ctrl + V), which you surf the Internet, in the end you ascribe misunderstood word with a capital letter (so: "Слово"), and click "Enter". You'll be directed to the appropriate page, if the definition is, of course, is already in the encyclopedia.

For its part undertakes to collect a selection of the most popular Internet terms and lay them on the blog.

Zimbra Desktop and Pop Peeper - receiving mail from Yahoo!

Congratulations. The fact that the Bolsheviks have been waiting for happened. The Bolsheviks, in this case, the clients mail service "Yahoo!". And it happened that I finally found something, I hope the two work programs, email clients, to receive mail from this service on the computer. Can I, as they say, and not "discovered America", but called проги: "Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop" and "POP Peeper". And they are both in my work, even though mail to Yahoo and is not used me active.

In my article two years ago "How to solve the problem of receiving mail from Yahoo!?" Already spoken about this service. And, as time showed, people use the service, and the normal solution to work through the browser does not have.

But back to basics. Service "Yahoo!" notable for the fact that access via the email client to the account is worth about 20 euros per year. He often changes the algorithms work, because of what programs work using Ypops, with the previous article, quite a curve. But now more and enter the verification code entered, when sending emails.

The initial search on the internet has given a single hook on the site "Forum Mozilla Russia ". This program was built on the platform Mozilla Prism - desktop mail client with features organizer "Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop". Official site of the program The program is available in versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. She works with several services, for example, even with Gmail.

A second hook I had received, after the publication of this article on the blog and mailing list. This happened thanks to one of the readers who unsubscribed in the comments. He proposed the program "Pop Peeper". Like the previous, this program supports multiple mail services. Basically they are all English speaking and are used in the west, namely: Hotmail \ MSN \ LiveMail, Yahoo, GMail,, MyWay, Excite, iWon,, RediffMail, Juno and NetZero

We register an account on Russian Yahoo!

Next, consider briefly, getting a box of and receiving and sending him mail.

If you do not have a mailbox on this service, you will need to register.
To do this go to the main page of the site "Yahoo! In Russian".
There find the icon with a link "Mail" and click on it.
On the next page, click on "Register" button at the bottom right corner of the window. You will find yourself on the page with the registration form.
Enter in the appropriate fields, their data: desired login, password, secret question and two answers, alphanumeric code in the image and click "Create my account.
If everything is OK, then you will find yourself on the page with a message on the registration and your data. Recommend page print on your printer.
Then click "Continue" and you'll be in my mailbox.
Check his work by sending letters to him and getting sent. To do this, you can utilize your other mailboxes.

Sets and adjusts Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop

You can then move on to the issue of receiving mail from Yahu! on your computer. What you must first download "Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop". Weight program approximately 49 MB - quite heavy.

Then do the following:
Runs the file distribution program and wait until unpack the installation program
A window with a drop-down menu where you need to select the installation language "Russian" and click "OK".
Setup window appears with a proposal to install a program, click "Next."
In the next window, accept the installation of the agreement and then click "Next."
Select a folder to install the program, or doing nothing, click "Next" and then five as well.
At this stage, the program starts to climb into the network and listen to the computer ports. If your firewall starts to swear, then let all of this program.
If what some of the components of the program was not installed, you will receive. Shut it down and then click "Next." The program will finish the installation.
On the desktop, locate the program icon and run it.

When you first start the program will ask to add a new account.
After clicking on the button with this text, a window appears with a drop-down menu, select the type of account. Select: "Yahoo! Mail.
In the new window fill in the form in which you want to enter: the name of the account (I'll enter email), your name, email address and password to the box and choose a schedule of getting mail from Yahoo!. Click "Confirm and Save '
If all is well, it will display a message box to establish an account.
To get started with pochnoy click the button at the bottom of the "Run Desktop".
This will open the program interface which is already possible to receive mail and send letters.

Specific features work with mail in this program and other email client does not have. The only thing you need to consider the buttons. But, this is easy, because when you hover on each, the text appears with its function. Program content and the mailbox is synchronized immediately by clicking on the button with the arrow pointing down on the top menu.

Created a letter which sent to the addressee, first hits in the outbox. After some time it takes the mail server and send. Delay can be different. I receive and send mnognovenno and wait five minutes. But, most importantly, everything is taken and sent, without a requirement for additional programs.

Sets and adjusts POP Peeper

Another look at the program POP Peeper. You can download it as the official site by clicking the menu button "Download POP Peeper", or take file-sharing service version v.3.5. To install the program on your computer, run the installation file "POPPeeper-Install.exe"

First you get a window installation wizard, there you need to click "Next"
Next, you must agree to the terms of the program by clicking "I Agree"
In the next window you can select the parts you need to install the program. But I have not changed anything and clicked "Next"
You will be prompted to install the program in the folder "Program Files" on the system disk. My location is arranged and I again clicked on the "Next", then "Install"
After that went to installation and finishing window appeared. In it I left galochnu on "Run POP Peeper" and clicked "Finish"
The program has finished installing and display for the language.

We continue to customize the program POP Peeper.
To change the program language from English to Russian need to click in the dropdown menu "Download ...", the pop-up window, locate the" Russian ", click" OK "and then" Next "
In the new window, you will need to configure your ineternet connection of the options and then click "Next"
Received a proposal from the program to save your data and messages in the folder "Application Data". I, personally, was not against and pressed the button "Next"
Then some will still install. Read and decide whether they need you. Again I have not changed anything and pressed on the "Next"
In the latter configuration window you will be invited to the next step is to run a wizard to create an account. If you want it, do not remove the tick and click "Finish"

Next, create the access necessary to you mailbox.
This starts a wizard to create an account, ochem he'll gladly tell. Click "Next"
If you already have an account in the email clients Outlook Express, Netscape or Eudora, that in the case of Yahoo! it is unlikely they can be imported into the Pop Peeper. Click this button to "Import accounts.
But I clicked on "Create an Account" in the next window, put the address you want me mailbox. Then click "Next." (Here I have left a small incident. I wanted to make two accounts with Yahoo!, But inadvertently typed the address box on Gmail, which, however in the future only played into the hands. This point can be seen in a video.)
The program will determine what type of server to use. You can also, at this stage, choose the name for the account. Type your incoming mail server: POP3 or IMAP. Or, agree with the proposed (recommended) and go to "Next."
In the new form must specify the username and password to the account on the mail service. (Do not forget to switch the keyboard layout to the Latin script.) "Next"
In the next window will show the incoming mail server, protocol and port of your computer to run the program. If you do not need to change anything, then again click on the button to continue.
If your service requires SMTP authentication, then in a new window, this feature can be configured. But, I pressed the "Finish", and then opened, and finally the program.

The program's interface was simple, standard and intuitive. Above the menu to work with the program. Beneath a graphical menu for mailbox. Using the appropriate buttons, you can create new messages and reply to come - a set of common functions. In the working part, in the left column posted accounts, but without the structure of the mailboxes that I did not like. And on the right are the actual letters. To receive letters from the box, right click on the account name and click "Check Mail". The same can be done by clicking on the graphical button at the bottom left column.

To create additional accounts need to click on the top menu on the 'Accounts' tab and choose "Add". You will be back window, where you need to select "Import accounts" or "Create an Account. Here deytvuyte as you need. All described above.

Checking the work of both programs showed their normal work, as in obtaining and sending letters through the mail box on Yahoo!

Compiled video (volume archive 12.55 MB, in 3 video podcast):  Download... 

Private Videos:

Part 1 / 3 "How to obtain and use an electronic mailbox on Yahoo!"

Part 2 / 3 "Using the" Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop ", as the email client to receive mail on the computer"

Part 3 / 3 "Pop Peeper overview of the program to send and retrieve mail from accounts on Yahoo! And GMail"


Dec 18, 2009

If you no longer find work in browsers

Situation when I stopped working in browsers search through all the search engines, it happened with my friends. The reason why this happened to me and have remained unclear. May have been deleted some system files, but the virus may have tried - when cleaning antivirus something found.

However, the symptoms were such - in the browser Opera when searching with Google's toolbar via toolbar betrayed a blank page in Mozilla and Internet Explorer - that the search results page not found. What has not worked to search for all search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, LayvSerch).

I've been thinking that will cure the problem reinstalling OSes. To what do I do not like to do it! But still decided to work first. In addition to cleansing the system from viruses, poustanavlival default settings in the Internet - nothing helped.

Resolved the problem banal reinstalling Internet Explorer itself. The latest version of Internet Explorer available for free download from the official site. During installation disconnected from the Internet, took a check on apdeyte program and reinstalled. It will work!

By the way, about "disconnected from the Internet" - is personal. If you are not licensed windose, and other programs, I advise you to disable autoupdate. Say, and this is often true, if nelitsenzionka refresh may be problems with her work. Suspicion of this kind of problem we had at work when the system has ceased to give access to the network - had to do a complete reinstallation of the system.

I hope you have the above situation with the search does not arise. Well, if you search suddenly stopped working, then one way to solve the problem you already know.

Google Desktop - do a search on your Comp

In this post we will go about finding information in my Comp. Information in text format, of course.

Personally I have - it was a problem. A lot of saved web pages with articles, files in various text formats, pdf-books, e-mail - all that is called: "Download and forget". Find this something useful with search windose - a long time and a chore.

But was advised to take advantage of Google's free programulinoy - "Google Desktop". Indeed - a search engine in your Comp. After installing the program begins indexing the computer, gradually, during the switch. Also, each text file that you open, it indexes on the fly. "

To call the search box, double-click the button "Ctrl". In the search box enter the word or phrase, and immediately see the first ten results. We click on the link and open the file or folder, where it is.

To view all the results click the link at the bottom of the results "See these results on a browser. And then use as a normal search in Google via the default browser.

Of course the program can be configured to search the Internet, to establish a permanent sidebar with the clock, the search bar, news, etc. To do this, click "settings" button on the Quick Search.

To me this prog several times already are helped by the work of - information in the computer with 2003 accumulated, with different people (no longer working), and when something must be found, then the hand to pick the folder was problematic.

In general, I advise, soft helpful.

Dec 16, 2009

Orientation on the ground before the upcoming trip

Since the "Russian" season in Egypt has not yet been completed, and though we, mere mortals, the Alps do not shine, I decided I did tell you about one of the useful services of search engines. There are questions of online satellite maps.

Very, I tell you, a good thing when you want to go on a journey through unfamiliar places. Especially if you still have not been there. These services I used, before his trip to Sharm el-Sheikh, at the end of summer. And you forgot to tell about it. Therefore, filling a gap in information.

If you look on the network, you will find a lot of online maps as individual cities and countries. I am also interested in online interactive satellite maps. But such cards are presented in three major portals: Google Maps, Yandex.Maps and Bing Maps.

All of them are built on similar principles. You can view maps as: administrative maps, satellite imagery, hybrid (photo plus designations and boundaries). And to switch between types of maps can be any point. Maximum approximation makes it possible to consider the homes and streets with a bird's-eye view. So I even saw some kind of pool in the hotel where I was then rested and the location of the beach.

All the maps have the opportunity to remove the left side panel and push the map to the entire width of the screen. This is done by one click of the mouse on the special button at the left edge of the card. There also is the control panel card. Available to move the map in different directions, decrease or increase the scale, more comfortable orientation.

It is much easier to do it all using one arm. Left-click "grab" the map and moving the mouse, move it. Double-clicking the left button to center and brings the selected point. Scroll wheel scales (decrease-increase) the image. Here, the basic function - they are virtually identical, but slightly differently made. However, all intuitive. If you have a good internet connection (broadband) you can see this in the accompanying online video.

You should also take into account the factor of speed and with the maps. Please note that the map is an image that is loaded from the server system. As you pulling out his window in the map display in the browser may need to wait for long downloads - not in a hurry, in this case. Look for the first administrative map, as it is lighter in weight, and in the right place switch on satellite map (in the case of Bing - "Aerial").

Following points should be taken into account. BingMaps does not work with Opera browser, but only with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. With Maps Google "and" Yandex.Maps, no such problem - they work in all browsers. However, Google recommends that you use your web browser Google Chrome, which is natural.

Of the considered map, most of all I liked Google Maps. Although, in all cases, satellite photos were made somewhere in the beginning of the two thousandth. This I determined by how the terrain has changed in some familiar place for me. So, if your hotel, built after the 2003-2005 period, it is likely not to find. Nevertheless, the projects, of course, useful. In addition, they are actively growing.

So at Bing Maps can view maps in 3D-form. You can turn the home planet and even a little, to see the relief and some architectural objects. Version, but only a test - not yet perfect, but working. In order to use the need to download the client program (1.8Mb), and then install it - from the Internet load is ten megabytes. Download the distribution you can click on the button in the 3D interface card.

But, of course, the leader of interactive 3D-cards is a separate service Google: "Planet Earth". Download software client and install it, and loading the desired amount of the network. Once launched, you can learn not only the Earth (land and ocean), but also the Moon, Mars and the star world. Map of the world is equipped with features not only to watch photos and video, location-specific, but also add their own photographs. In addition, the individual sites are linked references to articles in Wikipedia, loadable in a separate window, as you wish.

The only thing that the use of solid models, the speed of the Internet should be even larger. If you have low bandwidth connections, it is better to confine planar maps. You can also use separate programs for the computer model to simulate the planet.

This review covers services: Maps Google, Yandex.Maps and Bing Maps:

Dec 15, 2009

Further promotion of the blog, since its establishment

Well, here stumbled I, with its courses on the creation of websites for Narod and blogs on Blogger. Stumbled, again, to a question from a man who, perhaps, some of them tried to overpower. Question published on Reformal (see form on the left going to any page of your blog), and reads: "You describe how to create a blog, but, as it further unwind?". And the question is - a serious and interesting. And for many web masters, he did - sacramental. I am also not an exception - he at the beginning. However, some initial things try to voice, in one jurisdiction, which I have at the moment.

First, consider the very concept of what "roll out" and what types of sites can be identified.

Under the promotion of a can be viewed simultaneously two things: increase the flow of visitors to the site and increase puzomerok (from the word "belly"). Visitors - this is you, and this conversation will go a little lower. A puzomerki - a level site in the rankings of search engines Google (PR - Page Rank) and Yandex (TIC - thematic index of citing, according to Yandex catalog).

For example, at the time of publication, the domain «» has the parameters: PR = 3 (out of 10), TIC = 20 (out of 160000, so at the very Yasha). If rough, then they depend on the quantity and quality of links to your site from other resources. These indicators can focus on growth (ranking) of your resource in the eyes of search engines. In general, the parameters of a site you can learn or services like PR-CY or through programs such as Site-Auditor. These options will also be important in the case of your desire to trade links and articles from the site.

Strangely enough, but a large belly, is not always a guarantee of a lot of traffic (number of visitors) to your site, although it contributes to this. All the more important quality content site and its ranking in search engines. On attracting visitors to your resource and will continue it.

Divide the promotion of a site in order to get targeted visitors to the site on several directions: "natural selection" through social tools (SMO), search engine optimization of the site, search engine promotion (SEO), buying visitors.

"Natural Selection" - this is not a term that I am so kidding. In fact - is that your site provides real life in the network. This is where links to your site appear in the network in a natural way. Like flowers in the garden which is planted by your visitors. For example, when you recommend this story in their publications on their website or blog, or, when appearing on forums and blogs, are recommending in ICQ or a letter to a friend, in response to mail or posts on Twitter, then my site is growing in the eyes of search engines and promotes the network.

All these actions are incorporated in the original basis for the World Wide Web - sites with hyperlinks to the sites on which people walked on it, not having in the arsenal of search engines. And last, in turn, is now geared for the content of the site and its reference in the network. In order to give you a "quota" of visitors on search queries by allocating a specific place in the village of SERP. Here, for a place in the top ten issue search engines, and struggles between the players on the market. Promotion - is big business in the network, which involved large and small-firm CEOs, and I'm with you in detail.

So the surest way to move small SDLu - use natural methods. And this work with the audience and self-promotion network webmaster. After all, you have access to the same opportunities to recommend your site to link to it in my signature and profile in the forums, comment on blogs of a similar topic, register web site in the rankings, post articles with links to their service life in all possible places.

You may also want to create their own mailing list, which sends messages to subscribers of new publications. Available popular free services, look at the main page of this site. They will help you gather the initial number of subscribers, through announcements mailing in their rasslkah and catalogs. In addition, if the engine of your site generates RSS-news stream, it must be used. Allow the visitor to read your publication or announcements via RSS-readers. By the way, based on RSS, you can also make a mailing list using the services FeedBurner or rss2email.

Also, no one forbids you not to create their blogs on free blog service: LiveInternet.Ru,,, blogs Mail.Ru and mass of others. They take short announcements of publications, with reference to the article. It can also be used to speed up the indexing of web pages by search engines. Indexing - adding pages to the database search engine search robot, which determines its appearance in the SERP.

So we quietly moved to the use sotsialok, or SMO-promotion. There is due to social services - services which are filled by users. These include: services web bookmarks, free blogging platforms, microblogging services like Twitter, video portals like YouTube, social networks such as "classmates" and "contact". All of them have various opportunities to advance the resource.

Under the search engine optimization site involves the creation of such a structure and content that will be attractive to search engines. Basically, it's technical activities related to the programming code pages and keywords in articles and Titl pages. Namely:

Need optimization (relief HTML-code Web pages), to clean debris from the program and increase the density of keywords on the page. Rubbish in the code appears, usually through the use of visual editors for creating Web pages, or worse - Ward. Also desirable site layout using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which facilitates weight pages. And best of all, to use the site engine and optimized design patterns.
If you want to page visitors come from FS on specific request, it is logical that the tex article should be is relevant to them. See what people are looking for your topic, please visit: "Wordstat" - in Yandex and "Keyword Tool" - in Google. Use reasonably seen - too high density of a keyword can be penalized for search engine spam. The optimum percentage of "sick" hand column on the page is from 2 to 6%.
It is necessary to fill the standard meta-tags, namely: "description" - description of the page, "keywords" - key words, "title" - title page. They also uchuvstvuyut in search engine optimization site. But, again, do not overdo it with the volume of text. And if you use the engine to create the site, then these tags are sure to be filled in automatically at the stage of creating your publication in the admin area.
In drawing a tag «alt», with its description. No need to neglect the visitors to search for pictures. It is necessary to fill it and try to give the drawings to the content of the title, even by the transliteration of Russian words.
The site should be continuously updated. And added to the publications should conform to the basic theme of the site. It can also improve ranking in search engines.

As for SEO, that is, search promotion, it is already provided additional financial costs. Although, of course, all that is described above, is also part of a larger SGA. But some stereotypes formed technology. Actions, such as to improve site ranking in the SERP, and to increase puzomerok. Go to warn that the unprofessional use of such methods, often leads to penetration of the site under the filters of search engines.

In search promotion include:

Runs options through social bookmarking. You can do yourself through Bposter or manually. Or order the service to other people or services such as Cheaptop. Objective: To expedite indexing site.
Registration in catalogs - it is run on the directory sites. At the expense of this method there are conflicting opinions. They say that if you run make reasonable, it is useful, but if not, you can get under the filters. It is reasonable - it is when each catalog unique text description of the site. Done with the help of special programs for databases or directories ordered run by specialists for the money (5-20 dollars). Objective: To improve the position of site in the SERP and increase the citation index and PR (which is no longer effective).
Promotion articles. Provides for the publication of your articles in a set of directories with the ability to add free publications users (services Zhlobov.Net and SEO CITY. There is also a purchase of placement of articles on various websites, through special projects: Seozavr - and Liex. You should also use caution, although the method is relatively "white."
Buying links on the pages of other sites. Done directly, by agreement or through the reference of the exchange and is considered search spam. The best such Exchange - SAPE. By this method, we assign the purchase of guards on blogs.
Link exchange between sites. This is when you make an agreement with the owner of another site on the mutual accommodation options at each other. (Unchanged)
Special theme promotion, which periodically "palyat" at the CEO Forum (Forum SAPE, Searchengine, Mastertalk). Palyat themes usually already exhausted themselves.

Naturally, all the technology of search promotion of sites I do not know. But those who were "in sight", I have described.

The latest version of the attraction of traffic is its purchase, through the appropriate services. You buy or visitors to exchange traffic exchange, or clicks on the advertisements or banners on the stock exchanges of contextual advertising. Exchange buying and selling traffic: WEB-ROM, Ru Clicks and many others. Key exchange tizernoy content and advertising: Google AdWords, Adlabs, ADSkape, Begun, YandeksDirect.

Note that the traffic to buy wisely, and having a number of people with experience in setting up advertising campaigns. Otherwise, you can merge the advertising budget to no avail. И кстати, большинство ссылок выше могут помочь вам заработать на рекламе.

Here, roughly, the direction in which we can move in the promotion of your site. I will not say that everything described himself doing, though necessary. I advise you to study profiles CEO forums - there's a lot of information on topics move, read and ask. Links are given to you above.

Dec 11, 2009

How to find the page with the exact results for - a nuance search

But it happens that kind of search engine and gave relevant results for sites, but passing on the link, we do not find the expected information.

The reasons there may be several: page optimization webmaster at your request without proper filling of useful information;
dynamic pages in which information changes frequently, and in an index search engine obsolete;
webmaster changed the information on this page, or even changed the theme of the site, and in the search engine index has remained outdated information.

But perhaps at once was nevertheless necessary information!

In this case, you should use this function as a search engine to view a cached copy. That is really existing pages stored on the server search engine.

To do this, click and look under the entry of extradition on the links: "Saved copy" - in Yandex and "cache" - in Google. In the opened copy of a page, the words in your search query are highlighted in different colors. It is very convenient for analysis, especially when issuing large pages forums or web conferences.

Well that's it. Quick Search!

Dec 9, 2009

How to download videos from the site "VKontakte" and not only

Well, more than 50 million users already registered on the social networking site "VKontakte". I'm talking about it yet not a single article he wrote on the blog. So, I thank my readers Katya, for the question to an article on the program for uploads files Download Master. And the question was: "How to download videos from the site" VKontakte "via Download Master? Please explain everything step by step ".

And he did not have a positive answer, unfortunately. This program does not work with video from the "contact", though perfectly recommended itself to other video service. But it left unanswered the girl can not. Therefore, some secrets on how to download video and will be disclosed in this article.

Let us not on the policy decisions, and on-line services. They work with different video sites, TV resources, and fayloobmennikami. With these relatively easily download video FLV-format. The review came two services: VideoSaver and SaveFrom.

The first review VideoSaver. Service is working with lots of video servers, such as: YouTube, Rutube, Mail.Ru, VKontakte, LoadUp and many others.

On the home page service, you will find a form to add a link to a page with the video:

in this form to paste the URL of the page video
choose the form of "sample" your service and click "download"
after some deliberation, under the form of a link: "Download file" - click on it
Further, in a new window, click on "Save"
choose a folder on your computer and then "Save"

Following these steps to begin download FLV-video file.

That's just ... But not for "contact". After adding the reference to video vkontakte, under the form of a message: "To download, use VideoSaver Agent. It's easy! Learn more. Your actions will be:

  • Click on the link "Learn more" and you will be taken to a page with detailed instructions on downloading.
  • There will be given a special code VideoSaver Agent. You need to copy this code (left-click in the box with code and click on the key combination Ctrl + C). 
  • Login to the page with the video. 
  • insert the code in the browser address bar (Ctrl + V), instead of URLs for Web pages and press «Enter». 
  • A window in which you want to click on the button "Download". There will have to try. I have in all browsers, it hides behind the video. 
  • If you managed to press the button, the farther you will transfer to VideoSaver.
    There, under the form should be a link "download", "asking you.
  • You will transfer to the next page, where you will see a single link: "Click here to download the file" - and click it. 
  • The browser will ask where to save the file - specify the folder to save the video.

After the download you can view the file as a streaming video FLV. Such a file you can either watch with FLV-player, or convert to AVI. About the video conversion can also read on the service VideoSaver. There are several good articles about different programs for conversion.

The second and perhaps more convenient, the review is SaveFrom. Generally, the service I used to speed up downloading files from fayloobmennika Deposit Files. On the latter, I already wrote on the blog. And, that is, during use thus found it possible to work with video sources like and other resources. Among other things, was and «».

However, as is the case with the previous service, to work with YouTube is simple, but with "Vkontakte" - no. Consider the general principle so far that you will also find on the main page in the section: "How to use the service?".

Modalities four. That's only the first three, we do not fit. But, use them for other purposes.

The first works similarly VideoSaver. You take the link to the page and paste it into the form and presses the arrow button or press «Enter». At the exit get links to download video and the ability to view it directly on the page service.

Second more abstruse. Should be added before your page with the video " /" or " /". For example, because: " / http: / /". What happened, paste in the address bar of your browser and press Enter. Then everything should happen as a first option.

Still others are simple. Before the domain name service, the address of the page pobavlyayutsya letters:,, and so on. More look at the service (example: ""). When you receive the address, does the same thing about the second option ..

But the fourth method we use. It will focus on custom scripts. There will have to work with the program script and your browser. In my case, the conversation will go on the program browser Opera. All the necessary links to the scripts for each browser, and installation instructions, see page « users". But I will consider the integration of the script in Opera 10/10.

But I did everything as follows:

  • Went to the page users "and through" Save the link as ... "from your browser saved the file js-script« savefrom_net_link_modifier.js »on your computer
  • Opened page online manual "Integration of service on all sites" for Opera and studied it. 
  • Then in the top menu, clicking on "Help-About" and copied the address on the "Folder Opera»: «C: \ Documents and Settings \ Admin \ Application Data \ Opera \ Opera». This profile folder the program on your computer. 
  • Open any folder on your computer and instead of the current address put the address folder browser and press «Enter». 
  • In the opened folder, create a new folder and named it "userjs", as in the instructions (the name can be any). 
  • Folder, copy the address from the address bar.
    Opened in the browser menu: "Tools" choose "Preferences."
  • In the window "Settings", opened the Advanced tab and the section "Content." In principle, I have this tab in this section has opened the window immediately. 
  • Pressed the button "Configure JavaScript" and found at the bottom of the form "user files folder JavaScript». 
  • In the form paste the address of the folder (you can specify it through the "Review ...»)
    Clicked "OK" and, in the next screen, again "OK".
  • Updated the page with the video on VKontakte, or open a new one. 
  • Under the window with the video appeared text link download ", and left under the menu button graphic, to control the script. 
  • Clicked on a link in a new window indicate where to save the movie. 
  • Everything, after downloading, see FLV-video programs available to you.

Thus, configure the browser to download files and videos from all available at the moment, services. Then, you'll see links next to videos and files in fayloobmennikah graphic icon. Please click on the icon, you can download this file.

Select yourself which of the services to you the most convenient and use.

Private video tutorial:

Part 1 / 2 "How to download videos from the site" VKontakte "through VideoSaver"

Part 2 / 2 "Downloading videos from across VKontakte SaveFrom"

Dec 7, 2009

RSS-feed, what is and what good are they users

Let's talk about another useful tool for obtaining information on the network. Refers to the RSS-feed news sites and blogs, they are the same feeds. Physically - a product of the ad hoc scripts (programs on the sites) are giving out news articles and special information flow. It can export directly to your computer and view it without having to enter the site.

For the user viewing the site looks as follows. The site webmaster places a link to the RSS, often in the form of images, with images of her point, and two arcs that flow from it diagonally to the left bottom and top right. You can also see a button with the words «RSS» or «XML» and, simply, the link with words such as: «RSS-feed", "Subscribe to RSS», «News headlines" and the like.

You are reading an interesting site, and wishing to continue to monitor the publications on it, have the opportunity with one click to connect to the site updates. This may be two possibilities. The first - is to use the capabilities of your browser, then there are programs for browsing the Internet. Second - the use of special programs, aggregators, RSS readers streams, namely the RCC readers.

In the first case you are using the link or button and, using built-in browser capabilities, he will treat the code tape and asked to confirm the subscription. Reaps on "Subscribe". In the case of the browser "Opera", in the top menu tab will appear on "RSS", where you can view the exported news and articles, even without an Internet connection. Later, during the sessions connecting to the network, the browser itself will communicate with a website that broadcast the tape, and will add the news. On adding Article browser will inform you via a pop-up window. Unsubscribe from receiving tape as easy: click "RSS" - "Management ribbons news" - note extra stream - zhmete "Delete" - more and more messages will be downloaded. All described important for program-browser «Opera», which I use for Internet browsing, and advise you. However, for other modern browsers, this process also works in a similar manner.

In the second case, you use additional software. One of the most popular aggregators, export news, there is a program «Feedreader 3". After installing the program to add the news feeds you will need to copy the link address to the tape and opening the program, press F3, and, further, click "OK". Ribbon added, and it can be read in the tab "All news", look for the name of the tape.

Note: In order to copy the link address, it is necessary to put the cursor, press the right mouse button and left-click "Copy link address" ( "Copy Link Location", "Copy Shortcut" - depends on the program viewer).

The second program, which I can recommend - this is "Mozilla Thunderbird". In fact - this is a mail client with the ability to export RSS. It must create an account type "Blogs and news feeds, which also need to set up an account to add a link to the tape. And, similar to viewing emails, you can view and interesting news from the resources on the Internet and in the same program to configure receive emails from your mail service.

Well all, the theory of matter such as is described. We turn to practical use. To start, connect, how some of the above methods, to the flow of my blog: "Sign on news blog on the RSS". Now you can get all articles with commentaries thereto, without going to my site, although I am glad I will see you there :-). I stress that it is all, not just those that I publish a newsletter. Here one moment: at the moment blog articles in the band Lying in full, that I personally, as an active reader of foreign films, more like.

In the network, very often you see a tape with previews of articles, tapes with comments to posts on blogs or tapes only headlines. In any case - to monitor the contents of an interesting site is convenient, and often saves the traffic. Of course not all good sites, unfortunately, have their own newsletter. But all author blogs have a functional, by default, use.

Configuring interfaces of search engines by themselves

In this publication, in principle, better watch the bottom of the article, if you can speed internet. It describes and shows how to configure interfaces display start pages and pages of search systems, Google and Yandex. Mostly, at the time of the film, information about Google.

 But, briefly to describe what they mean. The fact that the right of the search form of Google, there are several options, including "Options" - and click it.

In the opening window are several options, namely:

  • display language interface (choose the native language for displaying text on the pages of Google's),
  • search language (language sites, for which results are displayed)
  • secure search (for filtering unwanted sites and adult sites)
  • format (there is a sense of touch, if you use a search through the CPC, and leave NTML),
  • Results per page of search results (from 10 default, up to 100 web pages),
  • Results window (check box to the site after they click on a search results page, the site opens in a new tab and not shut the results page)
  • query suggestions (leave a point on the "Suggest queries in the search box).
  • After all the settings, click the button "Save Settings".
With regard to Yandex, there is also, at the top of your start page is a link "Settings". Clicking on it you will be able to remove redundant blocks of information from the home page, customize informers weather, exchange rates and so forth, under their city or country. Do not forget to click "Save" in the form at the top settings. Another point. On the blog people went for
"How to make Yandex home page in the browser.
Answer. On the start page Yandex
in the upper left corner there is a link "Make Yandex home page. Clicking on this link, you would run the program-script on the portal to register in your "Internet Options" in your computer this page as a start. In the future it will be open when you start your browser.

Make this your home page, or what can also be manually:

  • click START
  • Click Control Panel
  • click Properties obozrevaielya
  • General tab
  • in the form of Home enter the address of the desired start page (any address that does not necessarily Yandex and Google, but it is desirable: ;-)
  • click OK.
Now, when you open your browser will open propisannvaya your page.

Nov 28, 2009

"Julie&Julia" - Learned the art of French cooking

I probably overly sentimental ... Here only saw the film "Julie & Julia: Cooking happiness on prescription". I am so impressed with the film, he explained to me this time of night, And if the whole truth, then in the morning:), to sit down for this article.

A movie is not action and no melodrama, no special effects, just a good game and voice actors, direction and camera art. Last me a little more closely, because of the passion photography. Well, the theme of the film was close to my blog "beginners on Internet" - And again, we are in the movie is not about hackers or cool end of the world, due to global disruptions in computer systems.

Simple girl of civil servants, Julie Powell (actress Amy Adams) got carried away a cookbook by Julia Child: "learned the art of French cooking" (played by Meryl Streep). And she decided to try to make meals for all 524 recipes for exactly one year. Thus, escape from everyday life, and having a purpose in life. And to control myself started blogging with a description of how she did it. Do not own recipes, as well as she had done and how she lived at that time. And it all happened. And her husband ate delicious - it's me so dreamy :-).


The film lives in the two times, separated by a half century. Two heroines live and prepare meals. Both husbands, social circle and purpose in life. One learns to cook, and then wrote a book. Others, however, today, reading her book, learning to cook French food, and every day blogging. A blog becomes popular. Appears audience blog comes fame and most long-awaited opportunity to become a writer.

The film put on the real stories and real books (Julie Powell, "Julie & Julia. Cooking recipe for happiness" and Julia Child My Life in Paris "). Murmured the Russian-speaking recently on Twitter, among bloggers. There I heard about it and. For some, it becomes an example of setting goals, achieving them. For some, an example of hard work. For those who are blogging is far and do not understand, it may be only an entourage and the interesting history of the formation of human and personal relationships. And for someone of you, this movie can be a motivation to start a diary or a full-fledged blog. Moreover, the young heroine of the film also made it to the free service, with the simple creation of pages. «The Julie / Julia Project» still actually exists at: - but the service no longer accepts new blogs.

And I had the motivation yet to finish minicourse on bloggers: "Reality shows: Creating a blog on bloghostinge". Who really wants to make it a blog, download, look and parallel viewing, make your own. And who does not, then I warn you right away - my courses on-a-very boring to watch, without the need. Unlike the movie "Julie & Julia", which I advise to go and look in the movie theater.

I also get a half hours and 175 MB (I will still try to reduce, and while so). A reference to the movieclip below - click on the button. The technical paper will be a couple of days - reported in the newsletter ...

Bon Appetit ...

Minicourse in one file (volume archive 156.09 Mb, in 10 video lessons, 94 minutes each): Free Download

Trailer for the movie "Julie & Julia":

Nov 25, 2009

Has been released version of the browser Opera 10.10 - autoupdate program

In the pursuit, to my recent article "On the installation or upgrade versions of the browser Opera 10.01 Final ", article about the auto-update of the browser to version 10.10. Or even more fresh, if you look at this story through time, after its release.

Generally, the version of Opera 10.01, on a possible update appeared immediately after starting the browser. Suggested to run autoupdate. In the case of consent, automatically slipped up 12 MB, and you will be prompted to install the program. If you agree - the program closes. You need to run a browser that initiates the installation of its update. For some reason, I run hovered for 2 minutes, and then quickly came to install and opening a browser to the opening page at

If you want to make themselves autoupdate, then click in your browser's "Help" - "Check for updates". Then you can pass the above procedure.

Generally, you can download distribution program with And download - install.

The advantages of the new version, include the work on the platform Opera Unite. It allows users to share files directly from your browser. In addition, you can synchronize the work of the browser on different computers - will be exported to the settings on the server, and from there you can sync your browser on your other computers. Another implemented turbo mode - if you have a bad connection, then your traffic will go through the server OPERA and there to tighten.

Automatic update to version Opera Opera 10.10 - trial and successful:)

Nov 17, 2009

Registration and use of mail portal @Mail.Ru

One day recently, I have decided to get a particular mailbox on Mail.Ru. And do not expect that service will be really interesting for me. And then, I write all about Yandex. As it turned out, only registered e-mail box on the mail, opened access to the mass of other services That and "My World" and related capabilities to your blog, add your own videos, create photo albums, play flash games online, ask questions and get answers.

But it is obvious that the majority of my subscribers that will not surprise. Indeed, according to my rough statistics, about 60% of subscribers have mailboxes on Well, I thought of you keep up:). At the same time and attach to this community the rest of my readers not familiar with it. However, given the fact that the portal at the same time is an average of one hundred thousand people, per se rather than a little much.

In this article, I briefly on the registration on the portal, configuring popular email programs to receive mail from the account mail, on your computer. In addition, the process will be considered separately uploads videos to the portal in the next article.

Note that the portal is a very sensible HELP on using mail services and, in particular. In my boring videos, and keep his "hand", during the setting-mail.

Consider the process of registration

In principle, all standard.

  • We go to the portal home page (, where we find a login form in the service, in the upper left corner;
  • Click on the button "Register in the mail"
  • On the next page, fill out the form (name, surname, date of birth), pick up a free login to the box and select the domain (@, @, @, @, specify the desired password twice ( roman numbers and letters)
  • In case you lost your password, to recover it select a secret question and give him the secret answer, specify an alternative email inbox, mobile phone.
  • There is additional information (gender, hometown)
  • Retain or create your account, we remove a tick in the "My World" (if you just want mail, then we remove)
  • Put in the form of code in the image (captcha) and click the button "Register a mailbox

If everything is entered correctly, then you will congratulate the successful creation of a mailbox, which can be immediately and take advantage of. To do this, follow the link "right now". You open your mailbox with folders: Inbox, Uncertain, Sent, Drafts, Trash. From your inbox automatically detected in a welcome letter from the service. Send a letter you will be able, after clicking on the link "write a letter (with the image of the pen, in the beginning).

If you left, during the registration check consent to create "your world", it had to be on the page, after registering to do some more work. There will need to enter information about your education (for school, vocational school, HEI) and save them. Now you can use and e-mail account and services in the "My World". The world will have to adjust in the future already in the section. Will need to download an avatar (main photo of), customize the display and access.

Note that if you are under the authorization with us, you have the opportunity to get to any section of the other sections by clicking on the tab at the top: Mail, My World, Photo, Video, Blogs, Games, Dating. In general, using servisov@Mail.Ru intuitive and well thought out. Perhaps, for this and for a variety of services to users and to love.

Shared data that you need to know before setting up the e-mail programs

Fresh data looking at the official page with the service. At the same time relevant following things:

  • The names of Mailboxes are:,,, or Where «name» - chosen by you login.
  • The account must be made on POP, not IMAP protocol. IMAP support I'm on
  • Specifies the server Incoming mail (POP3-server) - for the mailbox -, -, -, name @ -
  • Specifies the server Outgoing mail (SMTP-server): - for the mailbox -, -, -, -
  • Username for POP3-server: username you chose when registering - part of an address to the icon "@" (for the mailbox,,, name @ In each case, «name» the one that applies to a specific mailbox.
  • Password: Your password for the mailbox specified during registration.
  • Port: POP3 - 110, SMTP - 25, 587 or 2525.
  • Username for SMTP-server: specify the full address of the mailbox. That is to say: «», «», «», or «». Furthermore, adjusting access to SMTP-protocol must be specified in the program that the server requires authentication. If you properly configure this feature, then send an email with the program can not.

Setting mail module Opera to receive letters from

In principle, the setting is not much different from that described in the article: "How to use the Opera browser as your email program". So all the paint will not. Dwell only on two important points.

  • When choosing an account type to choose: "Surface mail (POP)". On receiving the letters mail will have to work.
  • And in order to work to send letters, do the following. Through the tools to change your account, go to "Servers". In block SMTP settings in the "Authentication" select AUTH LOGIN. And in the Name field, type the full address of the box (type «»). Details in onlaynpomoschi article: "Setting up SMTP-authentication for the Opera".

Configuring Outlook Express to receive mail from

Official HELP: "The settings in Outlook Express".

To use the built into your operating system windose, e-mail program Outlook Express to open it. Click the left bottom of the Start ", then" All Programs "and« Outlook Express »run program and the first thing to do would ask you to make the program a" default "- decide" yes "or" no ".

  • In the top menu, locate the tab "Tools" and click it on the "Accounts".
  • A form in which zhmete button "Add" and then "Mail".
  • In the new form, enter the display name - your name or nickname in the internet. Click "Next"
  • Then enter the full email address (eg «»), and then "Next".
  • Dalla enter the incoming server address ( and outgoing ( _-mail, and again the "Next".
  • In the new form specify the login account and password to your account and click on "Finish" button.

You will transfer to the form of "Internet Accounts" where you will see the newly created account to receive mail from your mailbox. To configure the sending of letters to:

  • click "Properties", in this form,
  • select the tab "Servers".
  • there need to check on the "User Authentication".
  • click on the button next to "Settings" and configure the login.
  • note the "Use login", and fill the field "Account:" - full email address, password - password to the account at the service.
  • click "OK"

The program should work effectively.

For letters click on the toolbar button "Deliver", and to send a "Create", to issue a letter and then click "Send".

Setting The Bat to receive letters from

Almost one of the best programs to work with the mailboxes. This is especially good email client, if you have multiple e-mail. True, the official version of the fee, its trial version can be downloaded, or just buy a license to a home version for $ 25 at the site of the developer RITLabs. Find this program you can and through search engines.

Set the program and then configures the account. Specified, that it during the installation and you'll be creating your first account. But, I have a program for a long time working, and I will create a new account in the accompanying video. Official Help on setting: "The settings in The Bat!".

To configure The Bat! at Repeat the following operations:

  • In the menu, look for the tab "box", where the click on "New Mailbox".
  • Enter the name of the box. Here I usually use his address.
  • Click the Browse button, and locate on your computer place is not on the disc "C", which will be a directory by mail. Do so immediately, because then you will be easier to restore the archive mail after the collapse of OSes (thu-thu and tuk-tuk).
  • In the following form to enter data: name, email address, organization. It is important here only to indicate the correct address - the rest at your discretion.
  • Next, choose the protocol to access the mail server (a POP3) and specify the server address of incoming and outgoing mail. Under the address of the smtp-server, tick "My SMTP server requires authentication"
  • In the following form, enter the name of the mailbox (username) to the @ symbol and a password. I advise you to check out: "Leave messages on server" - if necessary, then change the settings.
  • In the new form you are asked whether you want to see other properties of the mailbox, mark "Yes" and click "Finish".

You will find yourself in the properties of the mailbox. Here we need to configure SMTP-server on the correct functioning of sending letters. To do this, click the tab "Transportation", the right of the form SMTP settings click the button "Authentication". In the new form of note: "Use the following settings. With the advent user input fields (the full e-mail, address) and password to the box. No more ticks in the form do not set and click "OK". On this account creation process is complete - the program can start to receive mail. Doing it right click on the name box and click on "Get new mail". Letters to boot. To create and send a new message click on the image sheet with a pen.

That's an almost in, using e-mail programs, email clients.

Additionally, for working with mail on for service is reference to the most pressing issues. In the above privacy they are considered popular questions: "How to restore access to the box when the password is lost at", "How do I change the password to your mailbox on", "How do I delete or restore a mailbox on".


 Minicourse in one file (volume archive 21.8 MB, 5 video lessons, 10 minutes each):   Free Download

 Private overview videos:

Part 1 / 5 "Registration service and" My World "

Part 2 / 5 "Setting up a mail module Opera to receive letters from"

Part 3 / 5 "Setting up Outlook Express to receive mail from"

Part 4 / 5 "Setting The Bat to receive letters from"

Nov 11, 2009

How to restore access to the ICQ number means service

Continuing the theme article "ICQ  - what and how to install". Frankly, I take this service very often, just in case. A recently installed Skype, I liked more - simpler, and does not slow, at startup. But it is to the amateur.

Consider going to a hypothetical situation where you lose access to ICQ. I mean, forget your password. This situation may occur after you reinstall your operating system. Or, imagine a crash when exiting from the program, its contents are still with the registration, login and password. Who knows ...

Situation, when you increase the data access ICQ, and changed the mailbox will not consider. I'm afraid that in this case, the number for you, unfortunately, lost.

To begin with, that to get a new password, you must have access to an electronic mailbox, which is registered ICQ, and you remember the secret answer to your secret question. Only in this case, you are able to restore access to a number.

In order to service you a new password generated the need to go to the page of your website ICQ "Support-Retrieve Password". There you will see the form of two columns.
In the titles you will see an inscription:
The first - "I Forgot my ICQ Password" (I forgot my password for ICQ)
The second - "I Forgot my ICQ Number" (I forgot my number ICQ)

On this page you can access from the data entry forms in the program by clicking on the "Forgot Password".

If you have access to the mailbox, or use the email client, then find the letter with the registration data obtained after the registration number. There you will find your number ICQ. This number, type in the first form in the field "ICQ number" and click "Next". If the number is lost, but remember nickname (login), under which communicated with this number, then fill the second form. They are writing their own labels: the nickname, name, surname, address of the box - exactly as specified at registration, and presses "Search".

In the second step, generate a new password in the form to write the answer to your secret question (he will be given), email address registration, fill the captcha (the numbers from the image) and click "Submit". If all goes well, then the resulting page, a message appears stating that your email took a new password.

We receive new mail, we find a letter from the slide ICQ, and there is a new password to the program. Start the animation ICQ, then enter the number or nickname and a new password, click "Sign" and ... Voila! You are in the program ... I hope:)

I repeat that this method will suit you only if you have access to the box, which was recorded ICQ. In most cases, and for other services, this is generally true. So what, watch your mailbox. Because, judging from the commentary to the article: "How do I delete a mailbox in Yandex", - the loss of access to it can be very painful.

Below you can download an archive of the three video-based installation, registration, restoration of access and work with the program ICQ. Online versions of which, as you can see right now, without leaving the site.

Part 1 / 3 Where to download and install a program like ICQ

Part 2 / 3 Configuring the ICQ program by itself, exploring various tabs program

Part 3 / 3 Restoring access to the ICQ service and means of sending messages