At the beginning of the year in RuNet news broke: "We have come to Twitter !!!». Turned out numerous articles on blogs and mailing lists. But, gradually, the euphoria has passed, and the influx of information as well. So it's time to figure out what to do and what is this, really popular, western service. Spodvigla me on this matter (registration in Twitter), art blog "caffeine for blogger" One day recently, received a message on the RCC-reader - gone honored and ... then again went revered. And, finally, he decided: "Why not!". So - in the case.
At its core service is a social network with the ability of users mikroblog. Pleasing service at - I'm there already have your account. Twitter is designed to ensure that you, with his short, 140 character messages to let the world know about their current affairs. Including and communicate with other users. As a joke, all users of the service called "tvitteryanami", and they talk among themselves is called chirping (or chirps).
On the registration and setup your account's talk a little lower. Now I'll show you how everything is happening.
You are authorized (enter the e-mail + password) in a form that is in the upper right corner of the page and appears by clicking on the button "Sing in". Only after that, you can write your messages on Twitter, which will appear on your page at the type «». In your case, instead Vladekas - will be your login. Similarly, other users will be their mikroblog.
The essence of the service that you follovite, that is, as it were, add to friends of other users. This is done by pressing the button «Follow» by the blog author's avatar is located at the top left on his page. After that, his messages will appear in the tape messages in your account - it is available by clicking on the link «Home». Actually so you can keep track of what they say (or still chirping?) Others. On the right, from those tvittcov, you'll see two buttons: a star - Save this message to favorites, and the curved arrow - reply to this message. Thus, communication takes place between "tvitteryanami. The more you zafollovite people (including celebrities, the more "talk" you hear. On the other hand, the more you zafollovyat the more people will know about your affairs. Remove your tvitt can click on the Recycle Bin icon to the right of the message .
In the right column you will see information:
about yourself (you mentioned)
number zafollovlennyh «Following» you
number zafollovivshih «Followers» you
of your «Tweets» messages
miniavatarki elected you.
Now, although still better to watch online video on the page of this article on your blog, let us return to the registration. To do this, follow the link to my account on Twitter, click the button "Join today!", Or «Join Twitter!», Or in the main «Sign up now». You will sign-up page where you want to specify your contact information: name, desired login, password, post office box - and at the end to enter the code in the image and press the button «Create my account». Then open the second step, which I personally missed by clicking on the link at the bottom with the word «Scip ...». In the third step, you will be offered immediately subscribe to the popular mikroblog - you can tick off if you see someone you інтересного. Press the button «Finish» and get to a page with a form of a message. All - you can twitter.
Speaking of links in your account:
Home - page creation tvitsa and tape messages.
Profile - your page
Find People - a form of people search
Settings - Account Settings
Help - User Guide
Sign out - beginning with the account.
In addition to the account settings are available:
Account - information about you
Password - password change to a new
Devices - enter your phone number in order to make tvittsy via SMS.
Notices - configure which messages need to come to your Email.
Picture - upload your avatars, which can be either your picture
Design - design your page setup mikroblog
Connections - linking your account on Twitter with external services such as YouTube (when you add your video to twitter a message about this).
That's actually all about using twitter. It should be noted that the Russian-speaking users of Twitter now has only about 40000 people. And this, given that the monthly service used by about 30-40 million, a drop in the sea. Because the resource is created and "Russian Tvitteryan Blog - Twitter in Russian: Twitter" with a rating of users. Now the leader of over 33 thousand «Followers», and in the west there are accounts with more than 1 million «Followers».
In my opinion, the popularity of the service brought it possible for users to add simple message SMSkami. After all, there are cases when the news first hit the network is through Twitter posts made with a mobile phone. Worked is that they appear instantly in the tapes of all who enter it a "favorite". Unfortunately, while in the CIS and has been posting to Twitter sms, but is not yet clear policy of tariffs on them for different mobile operators. Therefore, we can post or from a computer, either directly or through various programs, and using special programs for mobile who have access to the Internet through your mobile operator.
Two videos in one archive: = Download = - volume archive 9.16 MB, opens the program WinRar.
Part 1 / 2 "Check on"
Part 2 / 2 "Watch your account settings at Twitter, take notes and delete account ..."
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