Sooner or later, but many Internet users there is a desire like: "I want free and fast to make your web-site and earn it!". As for how to earn online talk once at another time. But how free and fast to develop its web-site of the network (site), and will be discussed in this article. Consider, however, will be only one service - instead of 11 video lessons.
Generally, in order to create their own free web page can be read two ways.
First - create your blog on one of the most popular services, namely: "Live Journal» (, «blogger» (https: / /, «LiveInternet» ( and many others. The disadvantage of this option - a low ability to manage the look and filling blocks blog. Although they are in greater or lesser extent such opportunities are present.
Second - use the services "free" hosting service (accommodation) sites. These services include the popular: "" (, «uCoz» (, «HOLM.Ru» (http:// The word "free" in quotes because they have to pay a third-party display advertising, or the presence of the block of service on the site. And also, to a greater or lesser extent, limit the use vebmasterskih technology and lack of accountability of service for your site.
In general, the shortcomings, I think, understandable, but for the novice webmaster (he saytostroitel), it is possible to make a simple static site on a free service. Especially, if you want to make online business card or a small site and bind it to your own domain name.
About the domain name because I remembered that another disadvantage of the site is free service is that your site will have a third level domain such as: «». But now, almost all services, provide an opportunity to bind to the site your own second-level domain such as «» (it will have to buy). Domain, by the way - this is actually the name of the site in any of the main domain zones:. Com,. Net,. Biz,. Ru,. Ua - them now, given the national, quite a lot. I highly recommend this option. For your site in the future, for its further development, you may well be transported to the paid hosting, the type "". And to reconfigure the domain that you already hyped the Internet, to a new hosting site - a fairly simple operation.
But focusing on the topic of the article. Namely, create a site for service "people" from Yandex. This is a very popular service. And, besides many small sites and personal pages, they come across a fairly decent projects. I started there, and one of the first site, "Printer-info", still exists.
In order to create a website, you can either create a new account on Yandex, or use the old existing one. For example, if you use e-mail on Yandex, you are under the same name, you can create a website for the people. Simply plug this service in its Yandex passport. If there is no electronic box, then go to page «» and click on "Create your own website.
Then you will transfer the registration page «», where you want to pass the registration procedure completely analogous to that described by me in the article "The order of receipt of the e-mail box on Yandex". After registration you will transfer back to the office user service people and, besides, you find that you have a box of the e-mail under the same login.
With the people you will see two options: create a site in the "workshop" or create a site with a new site design. Workshop - an old version of a site for people. They can be used, but it is not necessary - in one of the video lessons, I show how to use this constructor - see there.
By the way, if you make a website with the help of both designers, it will be available in two variants: on and I, for example (see video), made two different site: "" in the Workshop and "" in the new constructor. Then made a new version of the main constructor, and at both locations, he began to appear. Later bought the domain "" and added it to the site. Now all three addresses available, one site, and I want to promote only a site under your domain.
Make site will have a new constructor, which allows full visual creation of the site, without knowledge of programming, the method of "Took-paste. To start the process click on the banner with a link: "Create a website with the help of the designer. On the following page you will be asked to choose a specific site: Commercial, Personal, Fan Club and Tabula Rasa (without specifics). The first three differ from the last version of the page exclusively the presence of pre-defined type: "History", "Photo", "Contacts", "About Us" and the like. You will need then just fill them with information, or delete unnecessary because they are automatically prescribed in "Menu" site. In the case of option Tabula Rasa - will need to create a page yourself, it is absolutely easy to do. By selecting specific click on "Next" and a new form: prescribe the site name and copyright, select the desired page, upload the picture for the logo. Having done this, click on "Next" to continue with the choice of site design.
On the registration of designs are available to you:
opportunity to choose a layout map of the six
choose a site design - colors of the five options
select the font of the text on the site.
Make a choice, click on "Start to fill in" - you'll see a designer site where you fill it with blocks, pages and content.
In the constructor, you will be available opportunities:
marked up in a cell, insert the finished blocks by simply dragging the mouse (left click on the name of the block and hold down, drag it to the right place)
creation of new pages (menu "Pages" - "+ Create a Page")
Please note that this necessary information and pictures (blocks "Text" and "Pictures") - better prepared in advance in the Word file with text and images in a separate folder on your computer.
creating menus with links to pages created (block "Menu")
setting unit to search on "Yandex"
installation of advertising and counters (block "Widgets")
create photo galleries of photos placed on the service Yandex.Fotki (block "Gallery")
post news on the site (block "News")
preview the results of your works click on the button "see"
remembered changes after clicking on the button "publish"
In the submenu "More tools" available options:
Manage your files - Upload your files to the site
Design change - you can change the structure of the site columns, colors and fonts
Settings - specifies display unit from Yandeks.Narod top of the page or not
Remove site - Remove site
Make a basic site - installation for the new and old versions of the constructor of one variant site
To add your domain to the site need to go to the main page of your office in the service Yandeks.Narod and, after clicking on the link "Add your domain", to register his name (in my case ""). Site at this address will appear after proper setup NS-server during the domain registration. Most likely, it will happen within 1-2 days after all the settings.
That's the whole technology. For more information, see the video - is more evident. Generally, you will need to examine the process of creating Web sites using visual editors, then, and in parallel, programming languages, HTML and PHP, and then work with styles with CSS, and database MySQL.
But, for now, try to make your site for the people. This is where, hopefully, help my video tutorial. They lined them separately, as well as one course - download, learn and do. Results I would like to see - let's link in the comments.
Course in one file (volume archive 68.06 MB):
Private video tutorial:
Part 1 / 11 "How do I sign up to a" people "from Yandex, to create your site on the link: = Download =
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