One might ask: "Why did he need the charge box? After so many good and completely free service! ". Let us consider the various options.
For example, you have a business in the offline and, accordingly, your company or private company has a name. And the name - is, in fact, your brand. At least not serious, if your correspondence will be coming to the client with the address type " Agree that "" - is much more solid. And most importantly, inspires more confidence in you and the company.
You - the author, and want to have a secure electronic mailbox to send their works to the customer and receiving letters from him. Also, in this case, your name - it is your brand. And, you may want to emphasize its importance.
You - webmaster. Well, here you have all possibilities in order to have an unlimited number of email addresses under your domain. But on this later.
You just nice to have a reliable email inbox under its own domain (domain is written the right of the "@-dog").
The most important thing. You want to have a mailbox for which someone will answer. That is, for all the information which it contains, the responsibility for service, which periodically makes a backup copy of the information. And, if the box is not used for spam or fraud, it will not close without warning, on cavil at you.
Well, actually considered the main "Why?" On the toll boxes. Of course you can be absolutely individual reason for opening a paid e-mail.
So you decided to get a paid account. Next, you need to register the desired domain for mail and opredilitsya with the service provider e-mail service for the money.
Domain You can register at any domain registrar or service administration domains, which cooperates with them. It so happened that I use for this service for automatic registration There you can register domain names in zones:. Ru, su., Com., Net., Org., Biz. The cost of registering the name for one year, on average ranges from 3 to 12 dollars, depending on the blast zone. It could be a big price for some domain zones.
However, do not hurry to make the registration of the domain to select a paid service for mail. It is possible that the registration in the paid service, you may be granted the domain name for free. Usually, the condition for it is payment account for a considerable period. As a rule, no less than three months, and, often, and year.
So, look at the types of services that can be used to create a paid e-mail.
They are as follows:
Classical E-mail - service provides only for the creation and support of reception and transmission of letters. There may be options such as mail with the domain service, and with your domain (example - "Mail forever").
The mailbox at your ISP. If you are using to connect to the internet cable or telephone line, the ISP gives you one free email inbox and the ability to create a supplementary for a fee. In my opinion not a very good option, since your domain you are unlikely to be able to use.
The third option, which I think is best, is placing their e-mail account service provider hosting service to host websites. He will look further.
Typically, the cheapest fare hosting offers the possibility of establishing at least one site and mailbox. In most cases, number of mailboxes is only limited amount of space on the disk server hosting, tariff plan. Hostings much different, tariff schemes vary greatly, and minimum prices ranging from 0.95 to 5 dollars a month.
Regarding this blog, then, at the moment, he is placed on the hosting, on the tariff plan of Normal (299 rubles per month) - at 5 sites and an unlimited number of boxes. The domain name also has been granted conditionally for free for a year if paid hosting (then three months). The cheapest option there fare Lite (120-150 rubles per month) - perhaps placing one of your static site, and the number of e-mail accounts is not limited. Of course, if you search online, you can find cheaper rates, but that's your choice.
Well, poditozhim. You can create your site and, simultaneously, a mailbox for one price, or just a mailbox on the mail service. The choice of service to you.
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