In his professional activity, or while studying, many are faced with the need to transfer information from Web pages in documents Word. In most cases, if you want to transfer only text, no problem. Just released the relevant text is copied and pasted into a document. If you want to save the picture, you can also simply use the browser capabilities . However, problems arise when you want to copy a table with information. In this case, easy copying can not do.
To solve such a problem should do the following:
Need to save the page to your computer as a Web Archive: File - Save As ... - Select the file type "Web Archive (single file), select a folder to save - click on" Save. " Detailed procedures described in the article "How to save the page of the site in my computer" .
Open the saved file using the Word of the software package Microsoft Office . Here you can go two ways. You can first open the MS Office Word, and already it through the "File - Open" to open the file. Or click on the file, right-click, and shortcut menus by using the "Open with" find and open a Word file.
After opening the document is opened in a Web page. To bring the page to normal view, you should click the "View - Print Layout."
Due to the fact that, in the form of a web page file is stored completely on the whole structure design, it is necessary to remove the extra modules and leave only the necessary information (text, images, tables). Different modules page structure can be in the form of tables, as well as text or graphics. For disposal, and remove them by pressing "Backspace" or "Del". Also note that you will find that page in Word may appear not as a browser, and "scattered." This occurs due to the specific construction design web pages (in this case "divines" design - building with tags "
"). And in the case of a rigid table design page in Word will be displayed as well as in the browser (in most cases).
After cleaning the document of extra blocks and the information we obtain the desired type of document you want to save is already in a document in Word. To do this:
Click the File (Word 2003) or click the "Office" (Word 2007) and then "Save As".
Select the file type (in general ". Doc" - a document Word 2003-2007) and save the file in the folder. In new versions of Word (2007 or Microsoft Office 2010 ) default documents are saved with the extension ". docx". But it is possible to choose ". Doc", if the document is viewed in earlier versions of Word
The resulting document can then you have to use at their discretion to create reports, presentations or essays.
Video podcast - "Web page in Word / Web page in Word document" Download to PC video in AVI format ( Deposit Files or )
To solve such a problem should do the following:
Need to save the page to your computer as a Web Archive: File - Save As ... - Select the file type "Web Archive (single file), select a folder to save - click on" Save. " Detailed procedures described in the article "How to save the page of the site in my computer" .
Open the saved file using the Word of the software package Microsoft Office . Here you can go two ways. You can first open the MS Office Word, and already it through the "File - Open" to open the file. Or click on the file, right-click, and shortcut menus by using the "Open with" find and open a Word file.
After opening the document is opened in a Web page. To bring the page to normal view, you should click the "View - Print Layout."
Due to the fact that, in the form of a web page file is stored completely on the whole structure design, it is necessary to remove the extra modules and leave only the necessary information (text, images, tables). Different modules page structure can be in the form of tables, as well as text or graphics. For disposal, and remove them by pressing "Backspace" or "Del". Also note that you will find that page in Word may appear not as a browser, and "scattered." This occurs due to the specific construction design web pages (in this case "divines" design - building with tags "
"). And in the case of a rigid table design page in Word will be displayed as well as in the browser (in most cases).
After cleaning the document of extra blocks and the information we obtain the desired type of document you want to save is already in a document in Word. To do this:
Click the File (Word 2003) or click the "Office" (Word 2007) and then "Save As".
Select the file type (in general ". Doc" - a document Word 2003-2007) and save the file in the folder. In new versions of Word (2007 or Microsoft Office 2010 ) default documents are saved with the extension ". docx". But it is possible to choose ". Doc", if the document is viewed in earlier versions of Word
The resulting document can then you have to use at their discretion to create reports, presentations or essays.
Video podcast - "Web page in Word / Web page in Word document" Download to PC video in AVI format ( Deposit Files or )
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