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Feb 5, 2011

Where View the list of files in the distribution Torrent

"You are not downloading files via torrents? - Then we go to you!"

Indeed, I want to once again see that the files did not sway the "c" torrent tracker, but with the help of other network users. Only the interaction of the whole community can ensure the exchange of information among its users in the network. However, in this article we will not do on a torrent, and one of the nuances that you need to know and use when downloading files this way.

In some cases, a distribution that are not single-file. That is, for example, when the spread film, it is usually one file with the movie. But in other cases involving the distribution of music, books, journals, maps, and similar files in the distribution contains many files. Often all the information from the distribution you do not need, and you need something specific. Or where the distribution is updated and it periodically to add new files (mostly As magazines and various collections of files). Naturally you do not have sense to pump everything to get a new file. Especially when you've gained a rating on this hand and removed it from your computer.

Casual is the question I already raised in the videos to the articles "How to Download files using BitTorrent trackers" and "How to download files from (" . However, people continue to search for the answer to the question of where to see what files in the torrent distribution and how to download only the necessary. So try a little to clarify this issue.

To download the file you want to start to look at the structure of distribution. It is understood that both the file structure built in the hand and that it actually is. To do this, open the page in the hand and the table describing the find the torrent link (or button), which will be written something like "The list of files to download. On different torrent trackers it can be done differently, but common sense should be. If the tracker does not provide this functionality, you should not swing through it, probably.

After clicking on the button or link should open the file list in hand, on which you can navigate and if there is what you need. And then have to press a "Torrent" or other launch μTorrent BitTorrent client. In the resulting window, choose to remove all the files and then choose the right and start downloading. Thus will be downloaded is the file that you want.

Of course, all that I have described above, refers to the distribution of true decorated. There are situations where different files are hammered into one file and so distributed. Then we'll swing all, otherwise the file will not get. Although, in most cases, the major torrent trackers type or, moderators rigidly follow the order to distribute processed qualitatively.


PS And if you upload files from the list that appears you have not been able to figure out if there is, what is needed, then do one simple thing. Ask a theme torrent. I think the dealer you will answer.

PPS Program μTorrent make sure you have the following settings: Settings -> Configuration -> tab "Interface" - "in the block" when adding a new torrent "tick next to" Display a window with the contents of the torrent. "Although , by default, this setting should be activated.

Video podcast - "How to download a separate file upload torrent" ( Download ).

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