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Oct 29, 2009 - a new global search engine from Microsoft

Two weeks ago, May 28, 2009, the world community was represented by new search engine from Bill Gates and his corporation Microsoft. Called their brainchild - This system will replace the previous search projects of the corporation, such as MSN and Windows Live. At the moment, with them already, users are redirected to the Bing.

Built windose positioning a new search engine, as a system for making quick decisions, that is, providing you with the most complete information on request. Let's see how it will cope with such an extraordinary challenge in the future. In the meantime, I'll do a small review of the system.

So, clicking on the link, we find ourselves on the page with a search form. And, as with other systems, we can choose a general search on the internet, POSK on the images and video. There is reference to the "Advanced", but while there I could not find anything interesting. You can also customize output sites exclusively in their native language (I was identified as a Russian) and sites of only one country (Russia).

Screenshot of the search form on Bing:

If we do a general search on the network, then the left column of the search results, see options more narrow query. For example, if you search for "weather", then the left you will see an opportunity to be one click on a page with search results for: "Weather in Russia" or "weather Moscow.

When you look at the pictures in, also left to be given the choice of image parameters on: the size, layout, color, style, availability of people. And if you click on the little plus next to these parameters, it opens a submenu with more depth filters.

Also, and tips in the "Video", you can customize the selection of the duration, screen size, resolution, source. A little plus will allow more detailed search settings. But the most interesting discovery for me was that when you move on eskiz pictures video, it turns into thumbnails video and makes it possible, at no cost traffic to understand what is the full video. That appealed to me in this search engine.

Well, that's basically all about Bingo. Sets this search engine to bookmark to your browser, or make it home page, and discover yet another useful service.

Video online with an overview of the new search engine

Oct 27, 2009

How to make a printout of web page on a printer

This article is a logical continuation of the post "How to keep a page of the site in your computer". In it I talk about how to print the page, in principle anyone copyright on the paper. It may be necessary as in the home and at work, if you want to provide information without a computer, or just you like.

This feature is built into every browser and, in principle, easily implemented by simply pressing a key on your keyboard keys Ctrl + P, with further work in the normal print window. But you'll print the Web page, which is written in HTML. And far from clear that it will be printed in the same way that you see on the screen. Here is how to print the portion of the page, what is needed and considered in the article and show in the video - look at the channel YuTub :-).

The best feature print made in Internet Explorer 8, Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Almost all of them made similar and individually tell no sense.

In order to first see and then print the web page, you need to click on the top menu of your browser to "File" button. In the Search tab, you will see: "Print" Print Settings "(" Page Setup ")," Print Preview "(" Preview "). Click on "Print Preview" ( "Preview") and see what we will be printed.

Preview page before you print will show in what form the page will go to the printer and how many pages it will break your browser. It is possible that the blocks page disintegrate and will need to look for options with your text or pictures. Next, clicking on the "Print" or Ctrl + P, you specify which pages to print (that is, from what to what).

Of course, the page does not necessarily break up into parts, and often appear as well as on screen. But agree that it is better to check beforehand. In addition, during the preview and you can change the page settings such as: portrait or landscape, margins, indents, etc.

Unfortunately, the browser Google Chrome and Safari, I could not find the preview function. There is only direct printing via Ctrl + P or by clicking on the icon list on the right of the address bar, shakes "Print" ( "Print").

I hope this useful and sometimes necessary function viewer program you will find useful in the practice of using the Internet.

Video lessons about printing web pages in different browsers:

Oct 26, 2009

How to keep a page of the site in your computer

It would seem that such a trivial thing as the preservation of the Internet pages that can help and save bandwidth and eliminate the need to re-enter the network, to read some articles. Because really, it happens that, during walks on the network, Internet, you find an interesting article, but for some reason it does not currently viewing. Perhaps no time or postponed until later, or you want later, more thoughtful to read it. But then, not knowing the exact address, or, often, even the name of the site, losing valuable information.

But this can easily be avoided. All of the features in your hands. A page, with all its contents are already in your computer.

Having found an interesting page to do the following manipulation:
Find the top menu of your browser (the program, which browse the Web) "File" tab and click on it the left mouse button.
In the resulting submenu, locate the "Save as ..." or "Save as ..." again click on it the left mouse button.
Note: Instead of the first two steps, you can press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + S"
In the window that opens, select the folder in which you want to save a page, or create a new folder.
At the bottom of the window to save the File name box, type a file name or leave as is (if the name contains any characters, then it is better to remove).
Also in the "File Type" select how to save the page. Perhaps save it as a simple HTML-file without pictures, as HTML-file with images or as a Web Archive. I prefer to save as a Web archive (one file).
Click "Save"

Next to view the saved pages will have the usual way, like any document, open it. The document should open in your browser, your default in your computer to view the Internet.

This way you can save not only the usual story, but the page forums and blogs with comments, search results in search engines. But there may be problems if the site is created by Flash-technology.

We must bear in mind that this way you can save only the text and graphics of the page. If you want to save video and audio, then it needs to use other methods. If you need a picture from the page, while preserving select "HTML-file with pictures" - will be kept herself Account and create a separate folder with the images.

You can also save the page and using Download Master, specifying when creating a boot address page. But this, in my opinion, unnecessary. This program will need to use except that, when the mass conservation (here download) pages.

Finally some advice. Keep the information on thematic folders, in order to then do not look for it in your computer.

In the video we answer the question about how to save google search result in your computer:

Oct 25, 2009

It shook files using bittorrent-tracker

Sure steps, already eight years, develops Internet file sharing through BitTorrent-protocol, also known as peer to peer. Users are able to shake the files, how to use specialized services, trackers, and decentralized, but with the help of programs torrent clients. I just started to master this technology, but it is already clear that this is the correct thing for the effective use of the Internet. Issues of intellectual property rights of those files that you will swing this way, I'm leaving out - after reading you also remove the object of copyright from my computer?

The essence of downloading files via torrents is that you download files directly from computers of other users, not servers on the Internet. Also participating in the download, you have to give yourself already downloaded part of the files to other users. The ideal would be so that how much you got the same number and give you (be careful with the traffic!). The ratio of outbound torrent traffic to the incoming rate is your rating in the torrent network. Many services limit the possibility of your participation in the distribution (downloading), if your rating is less than some number. For example, 0.3 or 0.5 - it can be found in site-tracker.

In fact, a specialized website tracker are hosted by myself, by the dealer, very small torrent files with information for programs torrent clients. Files with an extension «. Torrent». The program uses information from the torrent for those files that are uploaded, about where they download and where you can update the information on download (they are called feasts) and the dealer (they are called LEDs) users. In fact, the more users participate in the distribution, the more effective is downloading. After all, there are more sources for obtaining parts of the downloaded files, even if the original creator of the torrent is not in a network with your computer.

Files with the extension «. Torrent» can be read only by specialized programs torrent-clients. These include: BitComet, μTorrent, Ktorrent, Azureus, the official BitTorrent client, and many others. Among these files can be read and a built-in browser "Opera" boot files, but my advice to you is to use a specialized program. More theoretical information about the bittorrent technology and programs, you can visit Wikipedia. And on more practical things I write the second part of the article.

To download via torrents, I personally use a popular freeware program uTorrent. Download the program and the language pack as possible from the official site and sites with adapting the program for Runet ( If you have a non Russian-located version of μTorrent, then download the language file with the extension ". Lng", will need to save the folder with the installed program. Typically, the path - «C: \ Program Files \ utorrent», and then change the language settings and programs. Often, all information, both about technology and about how to create a torrent, like shaking, terminology and so is in the FAQ-section services. For example, a lot of information on the largest русcком coach

In order to download the file you need to find a link to a torrent., Then there is a file extension «. Torrent». To do this, you can drive in a search engine the word "torrent" and you get lots of links to trackers, where, using the search and find the desired file (movie, music, programs and everything - the main thing that someone is distributed via torrents). These tracker applies above and popular skandalnoizvestny foreign This year, in the fight for the copyrights on music and movies, the creators of this service was sentenced to a year in prison and a fine. However, service works!. Although, again, on the resources of the tracker files that are changed by the user, not stored - there is only information for communications programs of different users to each other.

Well, finding a link to the torrent, or you save it, or if your torrent client is registered as the default program for opening and saving files with the extension «. Torrent», after clicking on the link, the address of the torrent file can be intercepted by the program - μTorrent. If you save the address on a torrent link to the clipboard of your computer, then running the program, zhmete File - Add torrent from a URL, enter the address and presses OK. In the program will download, and the program will show you information from the torrent file of what will be downloaded and, after your consent, will begin the process of finding sources (oxides).

Since the beginning of downloading, clicking on the appropriate stream, the bottom will probably see a lot of information about the passage of the process: how much is available and download the information ratio, the number of seeders and peers involved in the distribution, information about which parts of the file and in what amount of downloads, the download speed and efficiency, as well as other useful information. Downloaded files can be found in the folder "My Documents / Downloads». Do not delete them until the download and return to the required rating. Do you want a rating, learn at a particular service.

For greater clarity, perception of information available overview videos on the topic article - swing and understand. Frankly - this is rather wait the process of downloading, I was pretty hard to explain clearly. Although the essence of something: find a link to the torrent, copy, paste in the program and the process has begun!

In the first video look at the theory of the process torrent technology.

In the second part look at how to find and download torrent from, using myuTorrent.

Oct 24, 2009

Earnings in the network. Myth or reality?

Wow, what a cliche. Really? But how to earn on the Internet?

Course itself earnings on-line network is not a myth, but most that neither eat reality. The myth is that it is easy and fast. Really need a lot to learn, learn and work very hard - that I, sometimes, and I do ;-).

Actually, first you must choose what network to earn, and the options are many. It is important to find something that you, personally, would be interesting.

And can you do a lot. Conditionally let us divide the earnings on the Internet with a website without it.

If no site:
You can write articles and sell them on special exchanges copywriting or freelancers. And do not make big eyes saying you do not know and do not know how. You, or when something, or written statement and now works at the school. In fact, the first stage and the initial level you, as copywriter, these skills enough - find the materials, subtract and set out on his own way. The uniqueness of the text is very important. In the network, it turns out, a big shortage of original content, which is looking for web designer to populate their sites. And with the growth of you as a professional frilastera will grow and the cost of your services.

You love photography? Excellent! High-quality photos with various subjects (from simple snaps of objects, flowers and nature to art photographs) may be provided to sell. This involved photobanks orientated design market. In this case I mean microstock, in which photos are sold fairly cheap (up to 1 dollar), but many times. Course requirements for the quality photos are quite high - the total depth of field, correct color rendition, nezataskannye image, image size, correct focus, lack of noise and so on and so forth. Naturally, the highest demands - in the most popular microstock. Best, sales and product range - is: Shutterstock, Fotolia, Dreamstime. In Shutterstock requires passing the exam - You get 10 pictures to the expert. Fotolia and Dreamstime not require the exam, but requirements for photographs, not less stringent. By the way there and home photobanks. Afraid of the fact that you are not a pro Art is not worth it. Need a lot of pictures and love this business.

You can participate in polls. This is where specialized firms, mostly foreign, pay for filling out questionnaires, testing products and the like. This type of earnings rather tedious and starting, consider using someone else's experience in this matter. Here there are many questions about identifying themselves for these services, receive earnings and other nuances.

Are you an expert in any case? Super! You can find a remote work on programming, design, write reviews, create banners, flash animation, as uzkotematichesky a consultant after all. I'm not saying that everything will soon, but would first need to start looking! Actually, you can create your own product to sell online, namely the book видеоурок or a full range of training materials that, for example, how to care for cats (but there is need at least a minisite and make a study of a heap of information on professional information business) .

Forex. Was not involved, so take care. Some say that he, the FX market, there are others - not. However, some people earn on the difference of exchange rates, while others lose. A lot of lies and kidalova on the Internet related to this subject, so that in any case, I advise to read first specialized forums ( "White collar" for example).

Affiliate. This is when your referral link to go to the selling site, buy, and you get a percentage. Ideally, such a better deal with your site. But nevertheless, you have the opportunity to publish their RCB options. This is a link in the signature under your posts on the forums, direct recommendations to their friends, relevant links to your published in various services, or comments, articles, conducting thematic mailing on a free service ads on Internet message boards. Companions there are many, and different subjects - it is important to find a suitable and ... pay.

What I do not recommend doing, but what you first of all meet in the network. They are: почтовики - services in which you want to read the letter paid for a very low cost, SARAH - the system of active promotion offering viewing sites for a fee; online casinos - remember that the casinos always win; investment funds (HYIP) - this is when you invest money at interest for more than 15% a month with virtually no safeguards to live normally from 5 days to two years, magic wallets - from the series went to get a buck three, shaiw; collector bonuses - a program to collect bonuses from different services (2-3 penny) not suffer from garbage. In principle, continue to be a long time, but in any case, the Council - "First look at information on the issue, and then pay the money!"

Oct 23, 2009

How to make any internet start page in browser

This article will discuss how to make sure that when you start the Internet browser program (ie, browser), you start up the correct page. For example, if you want to change the search engine, which will start your journey (surfing) on the internet. Homepage can be any page of any site, including the page of my blog with the listing of articles: "".

The same actions will need to do and when the home page in the browser is undesirable to you page on the Internet. It can be installed as a browser to the program, and established a special script on the site (when you press on the link type "Make it your homepage). Also unwanted front page can be spelled out and with the help of the virus - to protect against this, use the program, a firewall (firewall),.

Consider the procedure for installing the start page in different browsers for browsing the Internet. It will be: Internet Explorer 8, Opera 9.64, Mozilla Fayerfoks 3.5, Google Chrome 2.

Internet Explorer

In order to set the home page any page in it, you must do the following:

a browser
in the top menu, find the tab "Service"
There we find the "Internet Options"
in the form, look for the tab "General" - as a rule, it opens the first default

In the General tab from the top of the first is a form of "Home", and beneath it are three buttons "Current", "Home" and "empty". If you click on "Current", the field will display the last link you specified start page. If you press "Home" - will see a link to a page that was automatically set at installation (installation) program browser. And when you click on the "empty", you'll see the inscription «about: blank», and, during the launch explorer will not load any page at all.

Here in the field "Home" and the need to enter the desired start page, in the form: «», - the same search engine, by the way :-).

Further, the bottom of the form, click "OK" or, at first, "Apply". Restarts the browser to verify that the well not list the desired home page. If all goes well, then close the form of "Internet Options". Note also that the properties of the browser you can get in another way, through the start menu of the operating system: Start - Control Panel (Switch to Classic View) - Internet Options).


Tu everything as simple. First, find the sub-menu in the menu "Tools". There click on "Settings". In the form settings tab, select the first "Basic", where he will prescribe the start page.

In the main, under the inscription: "Give what to do when you start the browser" - select the action and prescribe appropriate URL (web address).

Effects choose the right of the "When you run" - we need to establish: "Start with home page".

Next, you need vvesli address in the "Home" or click on the button "here", to set the start page, where you are at the moment. Presses OK, and when you restart the browser will open the first task page.

Still, I would recommend that puts интерестные page in browser bookmarks and the tab "When you run" select "Continue from razedineniya". In this case, at startup, will be open all the pages that were open in the browser during its closure. Sometimes it is very convenient. But in any case, the choice of how to start the browser Opera, and it is up to you.

Mozilla Firefox

In the Tools menu, select Settings. In the main field in the Run box, type «http://www.vash.sait/" in field "Home Page", pre-selecting the "Show at startup Firefox». Also, instead of manually enter the address, you can click on the button: "Use Current Page", "Use Bookmarks" or "Restore Default".

"Use current page" - prescribe address web page you are on the MDM.
"Use tabs" - you can choose one of the pages that you put in the browser bookmarks.
Restore Defaults - restore the page, which is installed by default during installation of the program.

Of the name of the start page click on the button OK. Restarts Mozilla, and makes sure that the browser during startup, loads the required page.

Google Chrome

Come to the Tools menu, clicking on the picture in the form of a wrench in the upper right of your browser. Choose the tab "Settings" - to open the window Settings Google Chrome ». Open the tab "Basic" - in the "Home" set point on the "View this page:", and in the box next prescribes the site address. To complete the procedure, click "Close".


And briefly to the work with Safari. To create a start page, select Preferences (Settings). Further, in the section General (Major), from the list «New windows open with» ( «In the new window open"), you type the web address in the Home page (Home). All, then click OK.

Finally I want to draw your attention to the fact that, besides this function, in the same browser's tool, you can configure other options of programs to fit your needs.

Video lessons with the installation start page in Internet Explorer and Opera:

Oct 22, 2009

"Total Recall" © - or, How to find a previously visited page

I have already raised the topic of how a way to be able to return to interesting web pages or sites in the article: "Bookmarks in your browser, or access to sites in two clicks". However, the number you're looking at sites be returned for one session is quite large and all of them add to bookmarks browser does not make sense. While I certainly do not mind that you've added all the pages of this blog to my bookmarks or services online bookmarks. Often, however, be returned looking, we move on to another site, or even close the browser, and only then remember that there was something useful!.

It would seem - the train left. Tu-Tu, not his. But all is not so. In fact, all browsers are journal pages you visit. And it is available, in case the browser "Opera" in the main menu of the browser in the menu "Tools" button on the "History". Can also be caused by pressing the hot key "Ctrl + Shift + H".

When you open the magazine, will be accessible links to the pages you've visited: today, yesterday, a week, month, and so on. Usually grouped in folders on the domain of the site by clicking on the name of which will open the links to all pages you visit the site with their names. Please select - do click on the link and you are on the correct, or not, the page.

On a similar principle made journals and in other browsers. For example, in the browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (there is an article on the website "Fundamentals of the Internet) looking for in the menu" View "tab" Explorer Bar "and the" Journal ". Ibid and find the desired page.

In a browser, Google Chrome click on the wrench icon, then "History", where in chronological order for the last 4 weeks saved links. The same story with Safari, but there click on the star and "History". And in the popular browser, Mozilla Firefox, click on the menu at the sub-menu "History", and if you need to find the old link on the "Show the entire magazine.

But the benefits for the parents of the function browser, in acquaintance with the interests of their fumes, I've specifically not going to spread.

Oct 21, 2009

Bookmarks in your browser, or access to sites in two clicks

Often, wandering through the network, you visit sites of interest, or specific pages of sites. But, after some time, with difficulty, trying to recall the name of the site again to get the information you want, or file. When you succeed, and you find your favorite page through a search engine, and when not. The more sites you view, the less likely to remember where you something useful found.

Solutions for this problem may be several:

save this page on your computer (File-Save As, choose where to-choose format-Save);

find a site on the domain name in the log browser (if the browser "Opera" - in the Tools-History);

again find the site through a search engine;

save the page in a bookmark / favorite browser;

save the page address in the online bookmarks - icons with links to such projects are in the blog under the article - click and add to favorites ;-) this article.

One of the best decisions I believe the addition of pages in the browser bookmarks.

Works as follows. When you are, in any Internet page, and you want her back then, simply, for example, right now, then a combination of hot keys on the keyboard Ctrl + D. You will form with the addition of pages to bookmark. In it you can change the name of the page to create a thematic folder in bookmarks, add a description. To add a bookmark, click consent (OK, Finish, Save, Add - in different browsers in different ways). All now link to the page will always be available through the tab "Bookmarks / Favorites in your browser.

Through the "Bookmarks" You can also add / create a bookmark, edit them and delete - that is, all control is available. And most important: one click - click on "Bookmarks", and the second - on the title page and, voila, you are on your favorite site.

That's such a simple and convenient tool software viewers of the Internet, many people simply do not know. I, however, he is rescued, as there are many resources online that I often visit or save a bookmark to once go back and look at the update.

Oct 20, 2009

Oops ... Mouse stopped working! : (

When we use the computer, and do not do preventive maintenance on the system drive, then one can quite say so, as in this article.

But let's order. I encountered this phenomenon just today. Friends asked me to look at their computer, because strange things started, namely: some time after you start the computer in the work stopped "obey" the mouse and generally hung system. Was made to restart the system and everything was repeated anew. "What's the problem?" - "Toli mouse spoiled, Toli Windu need to reinstall?". By the way, plug the cable connecting the mouse to the computer checked immediately (greens such, unless of course you have no mouse to the USB-port is connected). Well, I am always glad for good people to go to tea.

On arrival at the place and make your PC run, the first of what I saw - is the amount of free memory on your hard disk, namely on the system disk «SYSTEM (C:)" (you have probably the same). Found that it is 25 megabytes of free space of 10 gigabytes. And this is about 0,25% of the capacity of the hard disk partition that is worthless. We perform this study, for example, as follows: "Start" - "My Computer" Right-click on the drive-in shortcut menu, we click "Properties"-look "busy" and "Free".

Obviously, due to lack of disk space, which system is used as a large buffer for the work and the inhibition of the system and "turn off" the mouse. Our task, in this case to find and move the extra data from drive C: "on the other drives on your computer.

Search Getting extra data with the desktop "- it is a working screen you see after booting the computer. Almost all users, including myself, sin that keep him information. This can be a folder with the photo albums, collections of music and movies. And all this media takes a lot of places just yet on the drive "C:". So it was - I found a folder with movies and photos. After their move to another drive, once released on 2 GB of system disk, which is almost 20%, in this case. The problem disappeared.

But of course, stop there and not worth having investigated the folder: My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, My Videos "- I moved with them information on other drives. By the way, is to say that it is better to use only these folders to temporarily store files in them, because they are physically located on drive C: "and, with the collapse of the system may be lost forever. It is better to create a case folder in the other sections of the hard disk.

The next place to study was chosen "basket" - the place where to temporarily put the deleted files from different folders. Periodically, it must be cleaned from the files - so, too, for an opening. By the way, there are cases where "Basket" is used as a repository of important files. Do not do this - because you can accidentally activate the automatic cleaning of baskets in a given period and lose valuable information.

You can then delete the temporary files that remain on the activities of the various programs in the folder «C: \ Documents and Settings \ Admin \ Local Settings \ Temp» (here «Admin» can you have another - look at his computer). These files are moved during the removal, in the basket and it will need to clean them. You can also clear the cache of the browser in the folder «C: \ Documents and Settings \ Admin \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Opera \ Opera \ profile \ cache4» (an example for the browser Opera). But let's not bigotry.

The last thing I did, although it should be done periodically - has made defragment drive C: ". In fact, this process of collecting pieces of programs or files scattered in different clusters, disk groups, which are located close to each other. So the system will spend less time on their search for startup and work programs. To start the process click: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "System Tools" - "Disk Defragmenter". Window appears defragmentation. In it, click on the drive and click "Analysis". The program will perform an analysis, you will see a conditional placing pieces of files on the disk, and say whether or not defragmentation. If needed, then click on "Defragment". Then begin the process of defragmenting files, which will take some time. After defragmentation close the window.

Besides all this, too, used to clean your computer from the debris (remnants of remote programs, cleaning the registry), various software, such as program «CCleaner».

There were such steps. The problem disappeared, and the computer to function again normally. Well, I got his cup of tea. :)

Oct 9, 2009

How to create your own web page on

Sooner or later, but many Internet users there is a desire like: "I want free and fast to make your web-site and earn it!". As for how to earn online talk once at another time. But how free and fast to develop its web-site of the network (site), and will be discussed in this article. Consider, however, will be only one service - instead of 11 video lessons.

Generally, in order to create their own free web page can be read two ways.

First - create your blog on one of the most popular services, namely: "Live Journal» (, «blogger» (https: / /, «LiveInternet» ( and many others. The disadvantage of this option - a low ability to manage the look and filling blocks blog. Although they are in greater or lesser extent such opportunities are present.
Second - use the services "free" hosting service (accommodation) sites. These services include the popular: "" (, «uCoz» (, «HOLM.Ru» (http:// The word "free" in quotes because they have to pay a third-party display advertising, or the presence of the block of service on the site. And also, to a greater or lesser extent, limit the use vebmasterskih technology and lack of accountability of service for your site.

In general, the shortcomings, I think, understandable, but for the novice webmaster (he saytostroitel), it is possible to make a simple static site on a free service. Especially, if you want to make online business card or a small site and bind it to your own domain name.

About the domain name because I remembered that another disadvantage of the site is free service is that your site will have a third level domain such as: «». But now, almost all services, provide an opportunity to bind to the site your own second-level domain such as «» (it will have to buy). Domain, by the way - this is actually the name of the site in any of the main domain zones:. Com,. Net,. Biz,. Ru,. Ua - them now, given the national, quite a lot. I highly recommend this option. For your site in the future, for its further development, you may well be transported to the paid hosting, the type "". And to reconfigure the domain that you already hyped the Internet, to a new hosting site - a fairly simple operation.

But focusing on the topic of the article. Namely, create a site for service "people" from Yandex. This is a very popular service. And, besides many small sites and personal pages, they come across a fairly decent projects. I started there, and one of the first site, "Printer-info", still exists.

In order to create a website, you can either create a new account on Yandex, or use the old existing one. For example, if you use e-mail on Yandex, you are under the same name, you can create a website for the people. Simply plug this service in its Yandex passport. If there is no electronic box, then go to page «» and click on "Create your own website.

Then you will transfer the registration page «», where you want to pass the registration procedure completely analogous to that described by me in the article "The order of receipt of the e-mail box on Yandex". After registration you will transfer back to the office user service people and, besides, you find that you have a box of the e-mail under the same login.

With the people you will see two options: create a site in the "workshop" or create a site with a new site design. Workshop - an old version of a site for people. They can be used, but it is not necessary - in one of the video lessons, I show how to use this constructor - see there.

By the way, if you make a website with the help of both designers, it will be available in two variants: on and I, for example (see video), made two different site: "" in the Workshop and "" in the new constructor. Then made a new version of the main constructor, and at both locations, he began to appear. Later bought the domain "" and added it to the site. Now all three addresses available, one site, and I want to promote only a site under your domain.

Make site will have a new constructor, which allows full visual creation of the site, without knowledge of programming, the method of "Took-paste. To start the process click on the banner with a link: "Create a website with the help of the designer. On the following page you will be asked to choose a specific site: Commercial, Personal, Fan Club and Tabula Rasa (without specifics). The first three differ from the last version of the page exclusively the presence of pre-defined type: "History", "Photo", "Contacts", "About Us" and the like. You will need then just fill them with information, or delete unnecessary because they are automatically prescribed in "Menu" site. In the case of option Tabula Rasa - will need to create a page yourself, it is absolutely easy to do. By selecting specific click on "Next" and a new form: prescribe the site name and copyright, select the desired page, upload the picture for the logo. Having done this, click on "Next" to continue with the choice of site design.

On the registration of designs are available to you:

opportunity to choose a layout map of the six
choose a site design - colors of the five options
select the font of the text on the site.

Make a choice, click on "Start to fill in" - you'll see a designer site where you fill it with blocks, pages and content.

In the constructor, you will be available opportunities:

marked up in a cell, insert the finished blocks by simply dragging the mouse (left click on the name of the block and hold down, drag it to the right place)
creation of new pages (menu "Pages" - "+ Create a Page")
Please note that this necessary information and pictures (blocks "Text" and "Pictures") - better prepared in advance in the Word file with text and images in a separate folder on your computer.
creating menus with links to pages created (block "Menu")
setting unit to search on "Yandex"
installation of advertising and counters (block "Widgets")
create photo galleries of photos placed on the service Yandex.Fotki (block "Gallery")
post news on the site (block "News")
preview the results of your works click on the button "see"
remembered changes after clicking on the button "publish"

In the submenu "More tools" available options:

Manage your files - Upload your files to the site
Design change - you can change the structure of the site columns, colors and fonts
Settings - specifies display unit from Yandeks.Narod top of the page or not
Remove site - Remove site
Make a basic site - installation for the new and old versions of the constructor of one variant site

To add your domain to the site need to go to the main page of your office in the service Yandeks.Narod and, after clicking on the link "Add your domain", to register his name (in my case ""). Site at this address will appear after proper setup NS-server during the domain registration. Most likely, it will happen within 1-2 days after all the settings.

That's the whole technology. For more information, see the video - is more evident.  Generally, you will need to examine the process of creating Web sites using visual editors, then, and in parallel, programming languages, HTML and PHP, and then work with styles with CSS, and database MySQL.

But, for now, try to make your site for the people. This is where, hopefully, help my video tutorial. They lined them separately, as well as one course - download, learn and do. Results I would like to see - let's link in the comments.

Course in one file (volume archive 68.06 MB):


Private video tutorial:

Part 1 / 11 "How do I sign up to a" people "from Yandex, to create your site on the link: = Download =

Oct 8, 2009

How to solve the problem of receiving mail from Yahoo! ?

CAUTION Frankly, this option now (07/10/2009) works poorly. After downloading a few letters, receiving letters stopped. It is clear that the support program Ypops its creators are not made. But, you can try - suddenly you will work well. 

This information will be helpful if you have a mailbox in the service Yahoo!, Or intend to start him there.

In the case of,
we have the following situation:
This email service does not provide direct access to e-mail clients such as Outlook Express, and the Bat;
it does not provide the ability to disable ads when viewing the messages on the site (which is again far from free traffic and time spent on the opening image and Advertising).

This raises several questions:

How do I get yahoo mail program Outlook Express or the Bat to my computer?
What program is associated Outlook Express and the Bat with Yahoo!?
How do I send e-mail using Outlook Express, and the Bat (what smtp-server to specify)?

The most successful solution for working with mail program was
In essence - this program is the mediator between your e-mail client (mail program) and the server
The program does not require registration, but occasionally need to download the latest version when the previous stops working (on experience somewhere every six months).

Install and work with the program is not complicated:

1.Zapuskaem exe-file to install the program
2.So all agree (By default, the program will automatically run with the Wind, but you can remove the boxes startup program when you turn windose, and installation, a shortcut icon on the desktop).

When the program is already installed: 

It should be stamped number and category of letters that you want to take one session download.

In addition, you can configure the session, the maximum size of messages, folders, downloading letters (more than touch anything not advise, and no need).


1. The program should be sure to run when you collect your mail e-mail program! Otherwise will not work!

2. Then you must correctly specify in your account settings mailer server address for incoming (POP3) and outgoing (SMTP) mail. You must specify both the same address: "" (without the quotes).

3. A common mistake when setting up your account is misdirection login and parolya.V the sense that not forget pereklyuchyat keyboard in Latin.

That is all wisdom.

If you do not find the prog in NETE, here's a link to the program:>> YPOPs <<, Ypops link1, Ypops link2, Ypops link3. Click and download.

If not get set up and need a manual in the form of video lesson, then you should click on the button below:

Videolessons describes the entire process of receiving mail: check the mailbox at Yahoo, the study of the account in the service, the installation program Ypops, account settings in Outlook Express, and the Bat, an example of sending and receiving emails.

That's all. Happy talking.

Photo holiday in Sharm El Sheikh - Egypt

On the wing of an Airbus-320 aircraft. View of the Red Sea coast in southern Sinai. Resort Sharm El Sheikh (Sharm el Sheikh). Rested from 27 August to 03 September 2009. Go on some photos from the rest (tried most condensed by weight preserving priemliemogo quality for viewing.)


Registration in the hotel "La Perla" (La Perla) 3 *. Bracelet and card on a towel

Type in the courtyard with a children's pool, lobby and a Bedouin tent (hookah)

View large pool from the balcony rooms.

so zastelyayut bed in rooms (they want baksheesh:))

Beach and reef hotel 

Beach Hotel "Royal Paradise" ( "Royal Paradise"), which drove tourists from the "La Perla"

Pierce and the Red Sea. In the water to go to the pier.

Dr. Timur and his colleague. They I do massage on the beach ($ 20)

Soha fish surgeon. These better not to feed from hand, and generally keep at a distance.

Urban sketches 

Shopping center "El Mercato"

Date palms - in a lot of flowering shrubs and trees. Although the desert but are trying to beautify the city.

Bedouin with a camel near the entertainment complex "Thousand and One Nights" ("Alf Leila Wa Leila")

Night trade in "old town". In fact - this is one big market.

The original Egyptian souvenirs in glass bottles and colored sand. Also near the "Thousand and One Nights» (Alf Leila Wa Leila)

A trip to the coral island near the island of Tiran

In the port Sharma. On these boats, yachts made a walk on the Red Sea.

With the breeze on the sea. Yachts are a chain in the direction of Tirana.

The remains of Russia to operate a cargo ship on the reef.

Here such Tortuga are found in coral reefs of the Red Sea.

Trip to the reserve Abu Galum. 

Sezzhaem off the road into a stone desert.

Camels, which rolled tourists on the beach.

View of the reef "Blue Hole". There are many divers, but for snorkeling, not very interesting.

A trip to Cairo at the Pyramids of Giza 

View of the Egyptian National Museum. Before entering the characters grow in Egypt: trosnik-lotuses and papyrus. In mid-museum fotosemka prohibited.

Lotus flowers close up.

On a walk along the river Nile in a large motorboat.

View of the pyramid with the observation platform. There outlet Bedouin and the location of their camels. They are in the hands of cameras does not give! It is better to use the services of the police (worth 1 $)

Bedouins in the desert.

Sphinx in profile and the pyramid of Cheops in the distance.

Sphinx in the face and the pyramid of Khafre him.

In general, satisfied with the trip. Later I will make the article with general impressions and from the hotel, and from the country and people.

Oct 5, 2009

By registering with Twitter

At the beginning of the year in RuNet news broke: "We have come to Twitter !!!». Turned out numerous articles on blogs and mailing lists. But, gradually, the euphoria has passed, and the influx of information as well. So it's time to figure out what to do and what is this, really popular, western service. Spodvigla me on this matter (registration in Twitter), art blog "caffeine for blogger" One day recently, received a message on the RCC-reader - gone honored and ... then again went revered. And, finally, he decided: "Why not!". So - in the case.

At its core service is a social network with the ability of users mikroblog. Pleasing service at - I'm there already have your account. Twitter is designed to ensure that you, with his short, 140 character messages to let the world know about their current affairs. Including and communicate with other users. As a joke, all users of the service called "tvitteryanami", and they talk among themselves is called chirping (or chirps).

On the registration and setup your account's talk a little lower. Now I'll show you how everything is happening.

You are authorized (enter the e-mail + password) in a form that is in the upper right corner of the page and appears by clicking on the button "Sing in". Only after that, you can write your messages on Twitter, which will appear on your page at the type «». In your case, instead Vladekas - will be your login. Similarly, other users will be their mikroblog.

The essence of the service that you follovite, that is, as it were, add to friends of other users. This is done by pressing the button «Follow» by the blog author's avatar is located at the top left on his page. After that, his messages will appear in the tape messages in your account - it is available by clicking on the link «Home». Actually so you can keep track of what they say (or still chirping?) Others. On the right, from those tvittcov, you'll see two buttons: a star - Save this message to favorites, and the curved arrow - reply to this message. Thus, communication takes place between "tvitteryanami. The more you zafollovite people (including celebrities, the more "talk" you hear. On the other hand, the more you zafollovyat the more people will know about your affairs. Remove your tvitt can click on the Recycle Bin icon to the right of the message .

In the right column you will see information:
about yourself (you mentioned)
number zafollovlennyh «Following» you
number zafollovivshih «Followers» you
of your «Tweets» messages
miniavatarki elected you.

Now, although still better to watch online video on the page of this article on your blog, let us return to the registration. To do this, follow the link to my account on Twitter, click the button "Join today!", Or «Join Twitter!», Or in the main «Sign up now». You will sign-up page where you want to specify your contact information: name, desired login, password, post office box - and at the end to enter the code in the image and press the button «Create my account». Then open the second step, which I personally missed by clicking on the link at the bottom with the word «Scip ...». In the third step, you will be offered immediately subscribe to the popular mikroblog - you can tick off if you see someone you інтересного. Press the button «Finish» and get to a page with a form of a message. All - you can twitter.

Speaking of links in your account:
Home - page creation tvitsa and tape messages.
Profile - your page
Find People - a form of people search
Settings - Account Settings
Help - User Guide
Sign out - beginning with the account.

In addition to the account settings are available:
Account - information about you
Password - password change to a new
Devices - enter your phone number in order to make tvittsy via SMS.
Notices - configure which messages need to come to your Email.
Picture - upload your avatars, which can be either your picture
Design - design your page setup mikroblog
Connections - linking your account on Twitter with external services such as YouTube (when you add your video to twitter a message about this).

That's actually all about using twitter. It should be noted that the Russian-speaking users of Twitter now has only about 40000 people. And this, given that the monthly service used by about 30-40 million, a drop in the sea. Because the resource is created and "Russian Tvitteryan Blog - Twitter in Russian: Twitter" with a rating of users. Now the leader of over 33 thousand «Followers», and in the west there are accounts with more than 1 million «Followers».

In my opinion, the popularity of the service brought it possible for users to add simple message SMSkami. After all, there are cases when the news first hit the network is through Twitter posts made with a mobile phone. Worked is that they appear instantly in the tapes of all who enter it a "favorite". Unfortunately, while in the CIS and has been posting to Twitter sms, but is not yet clear policy of tariffs on them for different mobile operators. Therefore, we can post or from a computer, either directly or through various programs, and using special programs for mobile who have access to the Internet through your mobile operator.

Two videos in one archive: = Download = - volume archive 9.16 MB, opens the program WinRar.

Part 1 / 2 "Check on"

Part 2 / 2 "Watch your account settings at Twitter, take notes and delete account ..."



Oct 4, 2009

How to connect Skype for audio and video communication on the Internet

With the development of Internet networks on our open spaces, more and more opportunities for communication are Internet users. One of these - it calls on Skype. Skype - free software for text (IM), audio and video communication in the Internet. The Official SAT program "", there can also download the latest version of the program.

For such communication through Skype need a good Internet connection. For example: leased lines, ADSL, 3G - providing fast data transfer. For audiozvonkov may well be enough to 33.6 kbit / s, audio, or faster than 128 kbit / s, for video transmission. An hour consumes about 30MB of traffic during the audio communication. Regarding the quality of sound and video, then Skype will automatically detect the correct ones to encrypt the signal, depending on your internet connection. Technically you must have a headset with microphone (available separately), and a webcam for visual communication.

Skype provides an opportunity to communicate directly via the Internet - free. It features: audiozvonkov, video calls and text chat - with only one computer to the network. If you need to make calls to landline or mobile phone, such services are paid. However, such calls are much cheaper than calls from phone to phone. Therefore, mobile operators and fight for a ban Skype. And some directly blocking its use on mobile devices. This same article was devoted to the Internet communications via Skype.

The program can be downloaded as the official site, so at fayloobmennike. Many answers to questions on Skype can be read on the site «Skype in Russia". To install the program to run the file «SkypeSetup.exe». During installation, the computer must be connected to the Internet.

The sequence of installation follows:
Double-click on the file «SkypeSetup.exe»;
In the first box, choose your language (for example, "Russian");
Click on the button "I agree - set", or "Settings", where we set, or we remove ticks from different functions, and only then click on the button "I agree - set";
It starts the installation program which, depending on the speed of your Internet connection, can be quite lengthy.

After installation, a window appears new user registration. In it you will need to enter your full name, come up with username, password (entered twice), to check on getting acquainted with the terms of use and privacy. After filling the form click the button "Next".

In the next window, the program asks you to enter your email address (it will receive a message on registration), choose your country and city to determine a tick on your desire to automatically authorize, under choose a login when you run Skype. After filling click on the button "Authorization". There will be a registration and authorization at the same time you are on the server program.

If you specified username is already taken, you will be offered options based on your name and surname. So my result was registered Skype login «vsemeniuk».

After the registration window opens, where you will be asked to look at the possibility of Skype, the sound check, import data about your contacts, or go to work with the program.

Program interface is fairly easy and intuitive control. So in order to customize the program by itself, change or add personal information, install the avatar to press the button "Personal Settings" and there choose. Program settings and audio-video look on the top menu: "Tools-Options".

In order to make a call to another Skype user click "Add New Contact--in entry form user login-search-select it from the list-button" Add Contact ". Contact appears in the list of contacts, and the user will post that you want to log in to communicate with him. Make phone calls in the future click on the contact, and in Provo at the window, "Call". Also, right below the window is a form for writing and sending text messages.

To test the service in your list of contacts at once there is contact with the server program «Echo / Sound Test Service». By call this contact, you can check your work aparatury and connections. You said the message that you again for listening. If all goes well, you can make calls to friends via the Internet.

On the use of video calling yet can not say anything because I did not enjoy. The process of installing, registering and setting up a program you can see video downloading or viewing online video to the article.

Part 1 / 2 "Download the software, install and register an account at Skype."

Part 2 / 2 "describes how to configure the program and understands how to make a call."

How to make accounting and control of Internet traffic

All the time that I use Internet at home, I have no luck with internet connection. Well, in what respect have no luck - it is I always have a lower limit. I always have to monitor closely the volume of traffic. First it was a dial-up traffic (fixed phone), then traffic gprs, but now I have a 3G-connection, which also has a limit of 10 gigabytes. It is quite enough, except in cases of active download from torrents. And not to fly on the extra money and have had to limit myself. Even tried to use the program to compress the traffic, though without much success. But, somehow, did not get me a good program for monitoring Internet connection, the speed and volume of incoming and outgoing traffic, which can be downloaded and used free of charge. But paying licensing program, with the decision of such problems, the network is sufficient - for example, they are available at the site «SecurityLab» and other resources intreneta.

And only recently I have such a program to monitor internet traffic seems to have discovered. It is called «SoftPerfect ® NetWorx» and can be downloaded for free from the official site SoftPerfect or with fayloobmennika. The program is easy to install, and distribution program weighs in at only 1.3MB.

After installing the program shortcut hangs in the system tray (bottom right corner of the taskbar). If you hover the cursor on it, then vyplyvet window which will show what speed is the incoming and outgoing traffic. But it is the default settings you can change to display the amount of traffic (day, month) or the duration of the last connection.

By double-clicking the left mouse on the icon, a window appears with the reports on the use of traffic and the duration of sessions of the Internet connection. There you can see the following reports: general, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, a selective session connections to the Internet, reports on individual users of the computer (if your computer is using more than one person, enter it as different users). Quite a useful statistic, incidentally.

For the same, to make the adjustment and a deeper look at the possibility of the program make the program icon NetWorx click the right mouse button, which will cause the popup menu. In it you will see sections: "Show Graph", "Velocity Measurement", "Statistics", "Quota", "Settings", "Trace route", "Ping", "Connections", "Help», «NetWorx», « Exit. Briefly to loop through it - see what is what.

"Show chart" - a clique appears to graphically display the speed of the current connection to the network. In the setup menu you can change the display of the window (chart type, color, units and so on).
"Measurement speed" - you can start measuring the rate at the current moment.
"Statistics" - at the click of a window with the reports, which were discussed above.
"Quota" - here are setting their own limits connections by clicking on the button "Configure". There you can specify: the type of quota (day, week, month), clock control (without separation or peak), traffic (all, incoming, outgoing), unit (KB, MB, GB), quota (the number in these units traffic). In the main window below indicates the percentage, if any volume of traffic using the program to warn you.
"Settings" - here you can make general settings of the program. Settings pop-up window and graphics speed.
"Trace Route" and "Ping" - I personally do not need. It seems that they can be used to test the speed of communication with the remote computer.
"Connections" - shows all applications can connect to the Internet, which currently operate.
Help - when clicked will open page ofsayta program in your browser.
«NetWorx» - here you can change the interface language from Russian into English or French.
"Exit" - closing the program. That is, counting the cessation of Internet traffic.

Actually the program is very simple and, most importantly, free and effective. For this counter by monitoring the traffic allows, in fact, traffic and save. A small video about the use of the program can see below in the box, YouTube, or download an archive of video and the program included: "Download overview of".