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Feb 27, 2010
Feb 24, 2010
How to send a letter to multiple addresses at once
The latter is especially important, because otherwise reduce the manual work will not work. So start with how the email address entered in the contacts.
There are several options.
Option 1:
- We note the letter in the Inbox with one click.
- Open the "Tools" in the top horizontal menu.
- Click on "Add Sender to Address Book"
Appears contact, which you can edit the address book by clicking on the icon in the "Addresses" from the top right. Or click: Tools -> Address Book -> desired contact.
Option 2:
- Open letters from the recipient and make double clicking on the name / address of the sender to the right of the word "From:"
- Click on "Add to Address Book"
- On the form that you can edit the information about the recipient
- Click "OK" - the contact appears in the address book
Option 3:
- Bottom left you can see the tab "Contact Us" - move the cursor on the black triangle
- Click on this vkladochku "New Contact"
- A form in which you want to fill with information. Required fields: e-mail address and name of
- After clicking "OK", the contact appears in the
How do I add contacts directly to many recipients in Outlook Express I have not discovered. So go to the next, in principle, very simple, point. Namely: send one message to multiple recipients.
- The first item you create the actual letter itself. Start creating a letter or you can click the button "Create ..." or Reply ...". And you can simply select a contact in the form of "Contacts" on the bottom - after you will create a form letter.
- You fill the subject and text of the letter.
- Next reaps on the To: or Cc: ". A form "Select recipients"
- In the left column, choose a contact and press the button "To ->" or "Copy ->". In the appropriate field, add the selected contact.
- You can also add and group contacts. To do this, use the buttons: "Ctrl" - if you want to select individual contacts from the group, "Shift" - if you want to select contacts consecutive. And in the same manner as a single contact, they are added to the field "Recipients of the message."
- Zhmete "OK" and again finds itself in the form of sending the letter, but with the added recipients.
- Zhmete "Send" and the dispatch is made.
Similarly, perhaps to make sending messages to several addresses and other mail programs. The principle of implementing functions in them similar. But of course there are individual differences in different programs.
Finally I will note one point. If your destination is on the free email services, a mailing hundreds of letters a content service can be perceived as spam and blocked. So probably better to send messages to small groups. While this is all tested by practice.
Overview of "Outlook Express - a mass mailing letters":
Feb 20, 2010
News from the front. Closing and transfer
This domain is registered outside the jurisdiction of Russia. The reasons for the closure has not yet sounded.
For reference. Delegating - in fact, the process of binding a specific domain to a specific server on the network, on which the files are copyright. Delegate may suspend the service domain registrar.
These are the pies. The new site is hanging on offer blocking. It is necessary to reconfigure the distribution of the program, with the change to a new domain.
Let's see what history will end. In the West, fighting the tracker is already a couple of years, and the precedents there is a major limitation to the tracker "". Only then used the courts' decisions.
There were trading between ports of the initiators of these actions. This soft brands "1C" and "Autodesk". Also, the network was a strong echo of the event. The forum tracker going initiative group of users to protect your favorite website.
Analytical publications and discussion of events in the network: ---> RuTracker.Org - LiveJournal
During closing stand 1C and Autodesk -
Blocking site not bring inconvenience to users - GZT.RU denied domain (completed) -
Prosecutors sent to the Bahamas. Next stop - the sovereign Iceland? - Private Correspondent
Overview of "How to reconfigure μTorrent (uTorrent) with on":
Feb 18, 2010
How to make a screenshot - shot images on the monitor
Takes a snapshot of the screen or window
In order to make a screenshot of a computer monitor, you need only to press a magic button on the keyboard labeled "Print Screen" or "PrtScn". Snapshot will be in the clipboard and you can embed in vordovskie documents by using the "Paste" from the context menu. Or, open the "Paint" (I use Paint.NET) and press the key combination "Ctrl + V". And then save the image in the correct file format (JPG or GIF), for which the press: "File-Save As ...- Select location and file format, click Save. You can make the processing of the Scrin, select the section image, crop it and save only the right, using the tools of the graphic editor "Isolation" and "circumcision".
If you need to remove the image of a particular window active program, the better to grab a screenshot press the key combination "Alt + Print Screen". So you can get rid of unnecessary work on cutting the desired location. This method may be useful in creating benefits for work with anything, using phased screenshots.
There is also a sufficient number of special programs for creating and processing images of the screen. I described the simplest version of a screenshot.
Placing images on the Internet
If you do a screenshot for the Internet, the more you need to place a picture on photo-hosting. These are special services for posting photos, scans documents, screenshots, and similar graphics. After loading such a service, you get flooded with a direct link to your picture like this: "". You will also receive options and codes to be placed on different types of sites. Their you will use and further, to specify your interlocutors ways to view screenshots or posting in various forums or websites. If you post links to forums, if you use tags to specify the path to the image, it will be displayed in your posts.
Service to host pictures a lot and then the choice is yours. Here are some of them:,, The last Russian-language and has an online image editor. So, you can use it for simple editing.
That's how to take screenshots and posted on the network, if briefly. In fact, everything is very simple and, I think you will not be a difficulty to quickly "get one's hand" in creating screenshots.
Overview of "How to make a screenshot of the Monitor":
Feb 14, 2010
You put Opera and can not watch video online?
At the moment the Internet is a standard program Adobe Flash Player. It then must install on your computer after you first install the browser Opera. Typically, when you go to a site with flash elements, such as YouTube, then you will not see the video there, and on gaming sites and flash games, and browser you Flash Player will offer to install itself. Be directed to the program manufacturer's website and install it. There you can set and update your program to the current version. And this can be done for different browsers separately.
By the way, it's worth noting one thing. If you have installed Adobe Flash Player, you do not need to install, any additions in order to watch videos in the network. If somewhere on some website you will be prompted to install add-ons or codecs, for viewing or playing games on it, then just close the site and more, do not go there. Somewhere in 99.99% that you want to palm off a trojan or virus blocker of your browser or Windows. I repeat once again that the Adobe Flash Player - is an Internet standard, under which the majority of web resources using Flash technology and to "sharpen".
However, to move in the above. You can first go to the page definition of your current version Flash Player, and learn is to upgrade or install or not. Then go to the download page of the product.
On the page you will see a button labeled "Agree and install now", you need to click and to start the automatic download distribution program. You can get it as a browser, and the program Download Master, which is itself to intercept downloads from your browser. And you will be asked to download a version of the program is for the browser and operating system you have to call the site and used. If you want guaranteed download version for your browser, then click on the link "Different operating system or browser?" And select the first operating system, then your browser and download the program. After downloading the program on your computer, close all open browser windows and run the downloaded file "install_flash_player.exe" to start the installation. Set it fast, and the website includes a visual installation instructions. The only problem may arise if you forget to close your browser. Then the program kindly ask you about this.
After installation launch the browser and check his work, for example, viewing a video clip to this article.
Overview of "Installing Flash Player for browser":
Feb 12, 2010
Promotion blog - Part Two
Getting promotion blog, you need to ask questions about the final result and what you want to convey to readers. That is, the original question is what kind of problem in moving costs. What the audience needs, etc. It is necessary to proceed further promotion. If a blog is strictly non-commercial or author theme, the best option would be to use natural methods of promotion. Those which are written in the previous article. Try some extend in this post, then that meant.
General rule. following. Publications on the blog should be regular. It's better when she's going at least one article a week. It is believed that the constant updating of the site improves ranking in search engines. Plus, do not give your audience, reading rss-tape blog or mailing list, you forget. In the network there is a lot of experts on the blog promotion, marketing techniques and so forth, which give advice on how to keep your blog and how it pisatK example, a good recent videos recorded Sergey Zhukovsky with Alex Levitas, how to unscrew the blog, which is You can see the article on his website.
If you are targeting for search engine traffic, you should consider search on your topic. This can be done at a special service keyword statistics Google. You'll see that users are searching on-line through search engines. The resulting information should be used when writing articles and building them headlines. However, this may not always go to benefit from the social point of view. Is not necessary for the search request is higher than the content and readability of articles. Although it is often the case that the user's query simply "lies" in the title.
We go further to consider the external methods, which may help in improving search engine ranking and an additional influx of visitors.
The easiest way to move is to add a site in social bookmarking (bookmarks). With them also goes a little traffic, and links, which they are placed, indexed by search engines. So, after the next publication, you can do run articles on the bookmarks. This includes the titles, links to the article, a brief description of one or two sentences and an indication of key words (tags) article. Popular services sotszakladok in runet are: (,, (, Mister Wong (, Selected I. UA (links.i. ua).
You can register RSS-tape blog RSS-catalogs. But we need to understand that content, which is in the news will be published on someone else's site. And this site usually has a much higher performance and search engines. Accordingly, the search engine will index the article soon on it and considers it the primary source of the RSS-catalog. That is, in SERP blog for the search query may be much lower than the site-retsepient. Therefore young blog is there better not stick, at least one year of life. And if you do decide to register, then adjust the tape so that it was given to 200 characters of text. Of the large directory can be said without thinking:,,
The massive run on the directory of sites I would not recommend. I have a negative experience, and traffic with them in fact. The only thing you need to try to add to our listings: Dmoz, Aport, Yandex catalog, catalog Mail.Ru. The last two paid, but it is possible and the addition of free non-commercial sites with social orientation.
If all did decide to run for the massive catalogs, you need to approach this wisely. First, for each directory to do a unique description using words and phrases specific to your blog. Fortunately there is a software for the automation of such action. Run better do so gradually, so that the network did not appear suddenly, inexplicably large number of links to a site with similar catalogs. Do not put back links and buttons on the directories of sites on his blog. It can turn your site into a link-trash. What, again, not gud "in terms of search engine. There are so-called "white catalogs, which do not require references to himself in return, but not many.
For your video on YouTube and other video sources, the description is always necessary to add and link to your website. desirable for video on the themes of your site, but may be a viral video about something interesting, by article on the blog. Small, but traffic from video sources are. By the way is very easy to pour the video on YuTyub RuTube and Video@Mail.Ru.
Start your accounts on blog platforms and do it in the diaries announcements articles. There can go traffic, as with internal search engine and search engine through them. To go from blogplatform internal traffic, you need the most read and comment on other publications. Add them to friends - typically 80% you mutually. If the course will read your announcements. Therefore, to compile the announcement should be approached responsibly - it should interest people. It is natural to buddylist trust for you users or popular.
From such popular services: LiveInternet.Ru,, Blogs on Mail.Ru,, and many others. You can configure Crossposting RSS-tape blog on these services. While I'm doing a separate announcement on LiveInternet. Since it is configured automatically add the announcement in an account at LiveJournal. Already with LiveJournal on other blogs. But some have to go and initiate the posting or LJ, or with the RSS-feed for your blog.
Gaining popularity Twitter and other services mikrobloging, and I see there are many mikroblog different subjects. Announcements on Twitter easiest to do through service FeedBurner. On the tab "The public-Socialize" your channel is adjusted automatically posting news from the RSS-tape blog on service Also need follovit (add to friends) other users. Present users search for specific words.
Do not forget about regional and thematic web sites, blogs and forums. There you can try to publish articles with links to the site. Communicate on the sites of the related subjects. Post links to the blog whenever allow or forbid. Of course, if you're stupid spamming, then you will be anywhere ban - your message must bear favor a site on which you leave a link. Making an agreement on mutual promotion with the owners of other blogs. There is such a thing as a "guest posts" on blogs. Guest - are articles by other authors on your blog, or vice versa. Terms of delivery of such articles - it is a separate issue, which is negotiated with the owner of the blog.
Start your mailings for free services:,, After publishing dozens of articles in full-mailing, on the first two need to apply in their catalogs mailings. After this announcement mailing falls in the newsletter service and you receive the original audience. Alternatively, you can then configure the automatic application of the mailing on and And if the status of mailing "silver" on can configure the automatic imposition of mailing on the appearance of records in the RSS-tape blog. But it is already on your choice. I enter her hands.
Also, a small influx of visitors can get answers from the service (see the article about them). The responses may provide links to websites, if the publication expands your answer.
In addition, not useless, to improve the indexing of your site or blog, there will be internal linkstopages. There is a view of the installation options with new articles on the old and vice versa, from text publications. In the case of course, if they fit the context.
So far. If I still did all this ... :)
Feb 10, 2010
About free videoconferencing network.
In a recent article on communication in the network I could not deal with the issue online communication through video. We will give some information about free software for this.
Just the other day, writing a post found on-line information about the program version of ooVoo. The program provides communication up to 6 people at once. Thus it is possible to record video web conferencing.
Hardware system requirements:
Processor Pentium 4 (or equivalent) 1 GHz with 256 MB memory
Free disk space minimum 20 MB
Web camera, microphone, headphones or speakers
Speed Internet (cable, ADSL)
Support for "Windows" 2000, XP, "Vista" (scheduled for Macintosh)
To use ooVoo to:
Sign in service and create a user account in ooVoo, choose a username (login) and password.
To communicate find interlocutors bank users or invite your friends.
Need a fast connection to the Internet - for maximum image quality and management of video conversations with multiple parties need download speed 750 Kbps, and the rate of transmission - not less than 150 Kbps
Web camera - the quality of the camera affects the quality of the image, and therefore recommends that you install the camera with high resolution
To send and receive audio requires qualitative microphone and headphones. The microphone can be built into the camcorder, but instead fit headphones and speakers.
PS Because of his experience with no, it would be interesting to know your experience in communicating through video. Why write commentary.
Feb 9, 2010
Inedible and biscuits ... About Cookies
The term "Cookie" is derived from the English word «cookie» - biscuits. Cookies are a small text file whose name ends with the information that resides in your computer program site. If you are using a browser Internet Explorer, the cookie files, you can find in the folder: «C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Cookies». While walking there is not necessarily - the contents of their understandable only programs. In other browsers place may be different.
Works the same system as follows. Program site puts on your computer is a text file with data and the next time your browser sends it to the appropriate site, while trying to open it on a Web page. Program site compares it with available information and automatically authenticate to the service or supplements the information about you in its database. Also, cookies are used for authenticating users and keeping statistics and personal settings for a particular user.
Often, cookies pose not only to services where you are officially registered, but also various services counter, commercial systems that are installed on site and many others. Some services simply will not let you work with them as long as you will not be allowed cookies in your browser. If you are earning while browsing the Internet, the clients whom you send to the affiliate link, the script affiliate program remembers it with cookies.
Just make a reservation, that by themselves, these files do nothing. They only contain data that needed services for authentication and user authentication. However, if your cookie files will be stolen from your computer or intercepted during a session, connect the browser to the site, it is quite possible that an attacker could log into your account on the service.
Cookies can be placed, as on all the time, and for some limited time. It is even possible that only when connecting to the site, and possibly for years. And if you do not periodically clean cookies, they are present and accumulate in the system prior to its reinstallation. If you work for someone else's computer, it is best to log off authorization on service, click on the button "Exit" or "Close". In this case, cookies must be threadbare and the next time will have to log in manually.
By the way this was a joke, when at my computer, sometimes worked as a sister. As a result, when you come to the site "VKontakte", then either it appeared in my account I have it. No privacy, e-May:)) And had to be total-just press the button "Exit".
Consider, for what do to clean cookies and how to do it.
The need to clean all cookies or a single site may appear in the following cases:
- Just to clear the PC from garbage. But then need to re-authorization at all sites where you came automatically.
- To protect your accounts on the network from outside access. While this is quite enough to go not just closing your browser, and through the button "Exit".
- If suddenly your favorite forum began to appear in unaccustomed form, for example in the tree. You must delete cookies and visit a particular site and log on the new.
- If you get tired of that system of contextual advertising on various websites show your ad on one theme. For example, when you looked for a long sports sites, and then moved to movies, but you will still twist advertisements about football. That will show behavioral advertising, for example, Google officially announced at the beginning of last year.
- You want to take a discount for buying on-line, but the seller has established deadline. This is the time for which you can purchase the product at a discount. For example, the site "Antichaynik" Konstantin Fest - this time is 15 minutes. If you have a desire to buy such a product at a discount, then simply delete cookies and restart the map a connection to the Internet. By the way I still lose their partnership: (. If you are, of course, will not pass there again on the link from my site.
Internet Explorer (remove cookies only one site here is not released).
- In the top menu go to Tools -> Internet Options -> General
- In the "Browsing History" click "Delete ..."
- In the window that appears, tick the "Remove Cookie" and confirm the deletion.
So delete all cookies and you need to re-authorization for all services.
Mozilla Firefox (you can remove cookies and one and all)
- Open the Tools -> Options -> Privacy
- Click "delete individual cookies
- Find the cookie for a site and click on it
- Click the "Delete cookies"
- If you want to completely clear your browser cookies, then click "Remove all cookies
Opera (cookies are removed only by the piece)
- Go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Manage cookies
- Choose a cookie by the name of the site that you want to delete, and click "Delete"
About cleaning cookies in time for me to receive an instructive story. I bought one of the electronic products and just remember that he went to the merchant site to the affiliate link from the mailing, which offered good bonuses from partner to buy. However, after the purchase I did not receive bonuses. And to the question from a partner, I registered, the seller said that I went directly. Do not believe in his words, I had no reason, then or now. And then I remembered that between the first visit and buy, I cleaned the cookies. So I remained without bonuses, and the person who sent me to sell a site without the partnership interest.
In general, cleaning cookies by users - is one of the major ills of working with affiliate programs to earn money on-line. But is some controversy in regard to the preservation of privacy and confidentiality of user data, which makes the controversy. Although full-fledged replacement for the simplicity and functionality cookies not yet invented.
Video podcast: "What are the files cookie" is considered deleting cookies from your computer in different browsers:
Feb 8, 2010
A popular Internet terminology. Abbreviations
Runet takes a lot of the world's English-speaking Internet. Including in the field of communication forums and chat rooms. In this particular case, will be given a number of abbreviations. This reduction of sentences in English, which are used for commenting and communication in electronic correspondence. They can meet you, as a foreign Internet, and in runet.
This publication is an additional article: "A popular Internet terminology. Fundamentals of communication networks ", - which were considered of forum terminology and some slang. In this article, translation and commentary are not mine, and published in the network is not the first time. The publication of the discharge: note - taken from the Internet. I myself, from this list, met on the strength of five pieces.
English abbreviations and acronyms
10x - Thanks - Thanks
2 - Too - K (if someone are applying: «2Admin»)
3 - Free - Free
4 - For - For
4U - For You - For You
4Get - Forget - Forget
AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact - Accept it as fact.
ADN - Any day now - Tepep any day
AFAIK - As Far As I Know - As far as I know
AKA - Also Known As - still known as.
AMF - Adios Muthafukka - Goodbye radish ...
AS - On Another Subject - by one another in Problems of (interview)
ASAP - As Soon As Possible - Once so soon
ATM - At The Moment - Now
ATSL - Along The Same Line - In the same string
AWGTHTGTTA? - Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? - We must ppoyti chepez it yet?
BBIAF - Be Back In A Few [minutes] - I'll be back in a few minutes
BBIAH - Be Back In An Nour - I'll be back in an hour
BBIAM - Be Back In A Minute - I'll be back in a minute
BBIAS - Be Back In A Second - I'll be back in a second
BBS - Bulletin Board System - System boards
BCNU - Be seeing you .... - I'll see
BNF - Big Name Fan - Big fan
BTW - By The Way - Between ppochim
CU - See You - See you (bye)
CUL/CUL8R - See You Later - I'll see you later (bye)
CYA - Cover Your Arse - Ppikpoy her ass
DL - Download - download the information
DIIK - Damned if I know - I would Chept pobpal if I know it! (I do not know)
EMFBI - Excuse me for butting in - by a simple, that interfere
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions
FITB - Fill In The Blank .... - Fill in the blanks ...
FROPPED - F.. King dROPPED - Cheptovo dropped or thrown at ...
FYBITS - F.. K You, Buddy, I'm The Sysop - I went to cheptu, papen I Opepatop System
FYI - For Your Information - For your infopmatsii
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair - Fully ispopcheno
FWIW - For What Its Worth - Why is it necessary?
GD & R - Grinning, ducking & running (usually left at the end of a digging message) - Ppo ytky and ppikoly
GROK - As in "I GROK" means thorough understanding. From RA Heinlin) - As in "I GROK" means a full understanding
GIWIST - Gee I Wish I'd Said That - I wish that I should have said
HHTYAY - Happy Holidays to You and Yours - With ppazdnikom you and your
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer - I am not a lawyer
IC - I See - I can see (understand), there!
IDK - I Don't Know - And hto knows (I do not know)
IMCO - In My Considered Opinion - In my considered opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion - In my opinion skpomnomu
IMO, seldom IMNSO - In My Not So Humble Opinion - much tougher than IMHO. Axiom, according to the used.
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion - In my opinion not skpomnomu
IOW - In Other Words - one another in words
IRL - In Real Life - In real life
ISBAB - I Should have Bought A Book - I would have to buy the book
ITSFWI - If The Shoe Fits, Wear It - "Strike while the iron is HOT
JSNM - Just Stark Naked Magic - Magic Sovepshenno clear
KHYF - Know How You Feel - I understand your feelings
L8R - Later - Later
LAB & TYD - Life's A Bitch & Then You Die. - Life s.ka and popa pomipat
LOL - Laughing Out Loud - loud laugh
LMAO - laugh my ass off - laughing my ass.
LTNS - Long Time No See - How many years, how many winters!
LTNT - Long Time, No Type - So much of time of, or stpochki
NBFD - No Big F *** ing Deal - Nothing difficult in this case cheptovom
OFTPATHIRIO - Oh F.. K This Place And The Horse It Rode In On! - Went to cheptu this place together with a horse, a nd there ppivezla!
OIC - Oh, I See - Oh, I see (understand)
OOTQ - Out of the question - No question, of course
OTOH - On The Other Hand - On the porphyry intrusions stopony
OTTOMH - Off the top of my head - I do not too tough
PFM - Pure F *** ing Magic - by a simple cheptova magic
PITA - Pain In The Arse - Pain in the ass
POV - Point Of View - Point zpeniya
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing - I laugh rolling on the floor
RSN - Real Soon Now - Tepep really skopo
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing - lay on the floor laughing
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing - rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off - rolling on the floor with laughter without ass (rear legs)
RTFM - Read The [here can be anything] Manual. "Please read the description," that is "Teach Math. Part"
Subject / subj (сабж) - The issue at hand.
SNAFU - Situation Normal, All Fouled Up - The situation is running normally, no worse
SOW - Speaking of which - suggest the eccentricity
SYSOP - System Operator - System Opepatop
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice - No life sppavedlivosti
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - No free zavtpakov there are no freebies will
TANSTASQ - There ain't no such thing as a stupid question - n / is 'stupid' Problems of
TOBAL - There Oughta Be A Law - This would be a law
TOBG - This Oughta Be Good - This [should be] hoposho
TPTB - The Powers That Be - DIIK
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge - To the best of my knowledge
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now - tepep ta ta (DIIK)
TTUL - Talk To You Later - Pogovopim later
WTF - What the F *** - What chepta
WYSIWYG - Whats you see is whats you'se get. - What you see is what you get
YGLT - You're Gonna Love This ... - You ponpavitsya
YKYARW - You Know You're A Redneck When - you know, it infuriates you
This publication is an additional article: "A popular Internet terminology. Fundamentals of communication networks ", - which were considered of forum terminology and some slang. In this article, translation and commentary are not mine, and published in the network is not the first time. The publication of the discharge: note - taken from the Internet. I myself, from this list, met on the strength of five pieces.
English abbreviations and acronyms
10x - Thanks - Thanks
2 - Too - K (if someone are applying: «2Admin»)
3 - Free - Free
4 - For - For
4U - For You - For You
4Get - Forget - Forget
AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact - Accept it as fact.
ADN - Any day now - Tepep any day
AFAIK - As Far As I Know - As far as I know
AKA - Also Known As - still known as.
AMF - Adios Muthafukka - Goodbye radish ...
AS - On Another Subject - by one another in Problems of (interview)
ASAP - As Soon As Possible - Once so soon
ATM - At The Moment - Now
ATSL - Along The Same Line - In the same string
AWGTHTGTTA? - Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? - We must ppoyti chepez it yet?
BBIAF - Be Back In A Few [minutes] - I'll be back in a few minutes
BBIAH - Be Back In An Nour - I'll be back in an hour
BBIAM - Be Back In A Minute - I'll be back in a minute
BBIAS - Be Back In A Second - I'll be back in a second
BBS - Bulletin Board System - System boards
BCNU - Be seeing you .... - I'll see
BNF - Big Name Fan - Big fan
BTW - By The Way - Between ppochim
CU - See You - See you (bye)
CUL/CUL8R - See You Later - I'll see you later (bye)
CYA - Cover Your Arse - Ppikpoy her ass
DL - Download - download the information
DIIK - Damned if I know - I would Chept pobpal if I know it! (I do not know)
EMFBI - Excuse me for butting in - by a simple, that interfere
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions
FITB - Fill In The Blank .... - Fill in the blanks ...
FROPPED - F.. King dROPPED - Cheptovo dropped or thrown at ...
FYBITS - F.. K You, Buddy, I'm The Sysop - I went to cheptu, papen I Opepatop System
FYI - For Your Information - For your infopmatsii
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair - Fully ispopcheno
FWIW - For What Its Worth - Why is it necessary?
GD & R - Grinning, ducking & running (usually left at the end of a digging message) - Ppo ytky and ppikoly
GROK - As in "I GROK" means thorough understanding. From RA Heinlin) - As in "I GROK" means a full understanding
GIWIST - Gee I Wish I'd Said That - I wish that I should have said
HHTYAY - Happy Holidays to You and Yours - With ppazdnikom you and your
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer - I am not a lawyer
IC - I See - I can see (understand), there!
IDK - I Don't Know - And hto knows (I do not know)
IMCO - In My Considered Opinion - In my considered opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion - In my opinion skpomnomu
IMO, seldom IMNSO - In My Not So Humble Opinion - much tougher than IMHO. Axiom, according to the used.
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion - In my opinion not skpomnomu
IOW - In Other Words - one another in words
IRL - In Real Life - In real life
ISBAB - I Should have Bought A Book - I would have to buy the book
ITSFWI - If The Shoe Fits, Wear It - "Strike while the iron is HOT
JSNM - Just Stark Naked Magic - Magic Sovepshenno clear
KHYF - Know How You Feel - I understand your feelings
L8R - Later - Later
LAB & TYD - Life's A Bitch & Then You Die. - Life s.ka and popa pomipat
LOL - Laughing Out Loud - loud laugh
LMAO - laugh my ass off - laughing my ass.
LTNS - Long Time No See - How many years, how many winters!
LTNT - Long Time, No Type - So much of time of, or stpochki
NBFD - No Big F *** ing Deal - Nothing difficult in this case cheptovom
OFTPATHIRIO - Oh F.. K This Place And The Horse It Rode In On! - Went to cheptu this place together with a horse, a nd there ppivezla!
OIC - Oh, I See - Oh, I see (understand)
OOTQ - Out of the question - No question, of course
OTOH - On The Other Hand - On the porphyry intrusions stopony
OTTOMH - Off the top of my head - I do not too tough
PFM - Pure F *** ing Magic - by a simple cheptova magic
PITA - Pain In The Arse - Pain in the ass
POV - Point Of View - Point zpeniya
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing - I laugh rolling on the floor
RSN - Real Soon Now - Tepep really skopo
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing - lay on the floor laughing
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing - rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off - rolling on the floor with laughter without ass (rear legs)
RTFM - Read The [here can be anything] Manual. "Please read the description," that is "Teach Math. Part"
Subject / subj (сабж) - The issue at hand.
SNAFU - Situation Normal, All Fouled Up - The situation is running normally, no worse
SOW - Speaking of which - suggest the eccentricity
SYSOP - System Operator - System Opepatop
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice - No life sppavedlivosti
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - No free zavtpakov there are no freebies will
TANSTASQ - There ain't no such thing as a stupid question - n / is 'stupid' Problems of
TOBAL - There Oughta Be A Law - This would be a law
TOBG - This Oughta Be Good - This [should be] hoposho
TPTB - The Powers That Be - DIIK
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge - To the best of my knowledge
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now - tepep ta ta (DIIK)
TTUL - Talk To You Later - Pogovopim later
WTF - What the F *** - What chepta
WYSIWYG - Whats you see is whats you'se get. - What you see is what you get
YGLT - You're Gonna Love This ... - You ponpavitsya
YKYARW - You Know You're A Redneck When - you know, it infuriates you
Feb 4, 2010
What do you mean smile, or: "smile and wave our ...» ©
In the communication on the Internet or sms, through mobile communications, a very wide application found emoticons ( They smiles (smiley, smile, smail, smaile, smils) or, initially, emoticons (emoticon). Invented them back in in 1963, the artist Harvey Ball - graphic, and in 1982 Scott Talmai - text notation.
Smile are quite diverse. They can be made in the picture and as text, compiled from a variety of characters. Here, only some of their views: animated, balls, 3d, Christmas, and so on. Smilie Pictures, a classic - a yellow ball, painted like a symbol of some emotions. Hence, deciphering the meaning of the emoticon.
Contemporary drawings emoticons move, jump, dance, smile and even burn. Smile there are both large and small, and even enormous. With just does not come up with talented guys, they have created. On the Internet there are numerous sites that collected large sets of graphic emoticons in the form of thematic collections. For example: "Smile. Gallery of the best emoticons network» (, «Smayly.Net» ( or "Predkov.Net» (http:/ / /) - you can find new emoticons for use in communication and in various programs to communicate (to the forum; programs - Jimm, ICQ, qip, Miranda, infium, etc.).
Text smiles are American, inverted, such «}:->» - insidious smile, and Asian, native of Japan, in the form of horizontal character sets: «(=^.^=)» - cat. In the table below, you can see the main frequently used emoticons their transcript:
As indicated / American / Japanese
Smiling happily / :-) :) / (^_^)
Wink / ;-) / (^_~) (^_-)
We express our sorrow / : - ( : < : C / (<_>) (v_v)
Sternly look at the opponent, angry / >: -- / (>_<)
One's tongue / :-P
Strong laughter / :-D
Surprise, puzzlement / : -0 8-O : - [] / (o_o) (0_0) (O_o) (@_@)
Of course, the network can be found just a huge number of options for Smiley. I also gathered a small collection of different smiles. You can download it from the archive file storage (download, 3.8MB file).
Certainly many services for communication on the Internet, such as chat rooms, forums, or ICQ, given its set of smiles. But often, you can download and its interesting pictures. Use this opportunity for a more vivid expression of their words or ... silence. Course everything is good in moderation, and to violate the rules should not overuse smilies.
A popular Internet terminology. Fundamentals of communication in the network
Some neologisms and the perversion of the Russian language (errativy), with its partial merger with obscenities, will be present in this article. And if they offend your sense of beauty, then excuse me - there are sites where communication is exclusively in these terms. Incidentally, all these "languages" and the individual words have their basis in origin - that's Learn for yourself. In WIKI whole infa on there. Immediately, I tried to collect-specific terminology and some, often slangy.
And absolutely no need to use slang in his conversation on the forums. Net language can show you a much more favorable light than slang. However, the terminology you go, well, did not work. :)
Terminology of forum
+ / - 1, + / - адын, plus / minus one, plus pitstsot - such "points" other users to rate your posts on the forum. Ability to raise assessments by community members and the administration, is used for the formation of private ratings of individual users of the forum or conference. Rate this also called "karma". The forum should be connected by the admin corresponding functional.
Avatar, avatar, avatar, Ava, yuzerpikov - a tiny picture or picture, with which you associate yourself. Loading by you during, or after, recording in which a community (forums, blogs such as "Live Journal", conference bloghostingi and so on). Approximate size 80 * 80 pixels. On many forums you can choose their avatar from a proposed set of drawings.
Admin, the administrator - the king and the god of the forum, as well as Chief Justice. In short the master site, which forms the policy behavior on the forum and its controls. Man, as a rule, authoritarian.
Account - this is your room on the web-based resources, as has been mentioned here on the blog. There you can control your view (profile) on the forum, change the signatures, avatars, personal data.
AKA (also known as), aka (also known, as well as) - from the English abbreviations. Deciphering explains everything. This is your username in the community. Choose your own themselves. But, IMHO, «aka» to login more are available for use, if you are at all forums with a single login.
Ban, banned (from anglitskogo ban - ban) - deprivation of opportunities to write in the forum, and sometimes ban access to the resource. This penalty is applied for breaches of the rules of your forum. These may include: Math, insulting other members of the community and the administration, minus the karma, flooding, trolling, or you simply do not like modernizing. Ban can be installed as moderator to your account or your computer for a specified period or for life. You really do not hurt anyone to create a new account from another computer. But then you become klonovodom, which is also punishable.
Bayan, dupe, boyan, bayancheg - posting old news or bearded jokes and copies of other materials. Of all the new series - is well forgotten old. Smiles depicted as follows: [:|||||||:] or [:]///[:]. You can still post a photo of this accordion, a topic for a boyanistym material.
Boyanist you - unless of course often write Bojana ..
Tambourine, dancing with a tambourine - this is when you have something to do, and you are not sure of the result. And then you do not understand how all the same all so well turned out.
Burzhuynet - western tobish English-speaking segment of the web.
Gamero, gamers - gamers. In a network many forums and other resources, where it was discussed a variety of computer games.
Goblin - a member of the community with a passion to leave the first comment you have created the topic. And, of course, his comment is not meaningless.
Guestbook, Guestbook, gostbuka - section of the site, where visitors can leave their messages on various topics for any admin resource. All messages are visible to other users.
Guru, the Great Guru, Master - designation of professionals in the Internet technologies (programming, business, website promotion and others like them). This is not me, I'm only a User (nadeyusya, see below). Only need to understand that not everyone who considers himself a Guru, onymi are.
Zomboyaschik - TV.
IMHO, IMHO, IMHO (In My Humble Opinion - «In my humble opinion") - is used to underscore the fact that the view expressed - a personal point of view on the subject. Similar expression: "I believe that ...»," It seems to me ... "" In my opinion ... "and so on. Our interpretation of the variation: "I have opinions, horseradish challenge.
Inetchik - knowing Internet user, who sits in her bezvylazno.
INFA - information on the topic.
Content (sontent) - infa in various forms (text, photo, video, audio).
Kament, comment (born comment) - comment to post.
Kamerad, kamrat (born comrade) - friend, comrade and brother in the community.
Karma rating - on how you are behaving at the forum depends on your karma, formed by other users. Well this is the case. What you the truth, the truth is not mandatory for others. And any dolt you your karma will be deleted, simply because of harm or self-assertion. Therefore I advise to treat these things calmly. Perhaps the community, where the percentage of such people is prevalent, is to leave with a quiet mind? However, if you are good to people who, respectively, and then you will appreciate. But, it all individually for each forum.
Clone - your second account on a forum, but under a different login. Often, the banned user is created for different purposes. While it may be created and not banned, but lost access to basic, and just about anything said. In any case, it is punishable at all, without exception forums.
Klonovod - a user creates multiple accounts on one resource. Pursue different objectives: a provocation, raising karma main account of the interaction with them to simulate a group, just spam. Calculate the Administration on aypishniku and spelled cookie in your browser, and is punishable by eternal Bán.
Smoking manual - user guide to learn the programs and rules of the forum. Used if the issue has already been highlighted at the forum or goblin just does not know what to say. It is better to specify where you want to go "smoke". Otherwise, your Comment - this is only the desire to show himself as a great guru.
Kurilko - a special section of the forum for discussion non-thematic subjects with other users.
Lamer, Loser - not quite "tea", but still not "juzverej. But already considers himself a hacker.
Licko - an opportunity for forums to send personal messages to the user. This message is only he, and it is not visible to other visitors to the resource.
Login - your ASA in Latin. Type "Vladek" on my blog. Name by which you remember the server. At the forums the same username and display name of the people may differ - depending on the forum settings and policy admin.
Messaga,'s message (from the English 'message') - communication, writing, writing in the Guestbook.
Moderator, Moder - authorized by the admin user, often the oldest and most respected, which oversees the order at the forum (chat room / website). In larger forums with many users as moderators may be dozens. Credentials: handing out fines (lower ratings) offenders, ban, delete and edit themes and messages.
Nick, nick (born nick, nickname) - personally coined a nickname for your network. In principle, native ASA and login.
Noob, Kettle (English - «newbie») - a beginner in technology, amenable to training.
Overposting - is when you are editing, instead of one message, it appends a few more, although the comments of other users yet. In principle, allowed in topics from administration with consistent messaging, separated in time.
Offline, the real - life in the non-virtual world. Designation of ordinary life outside the network.
Offtop, off, Flaming (born off topic - «off-topic") - comments on the subject, which by the theme itself, claimed topikstarterom, not applicable.
Password, pass - known tlish you a secret combination of Latin characters and numbers, which provide access to your accounts on the web-based resources.
Signed on the forum - a short text can be with reference to a site that is under all of your publication. Me in your profile on the forum. After the change, the old text is replaced by the new in all of your comments left on the forum or conference.
Fasting - the message or article on the blog, in his diary on the forum or guest book
Hat - the first post topics, starting position. It may also be used to refer Caps (Hedera) of the site.
Registration - create an account on the web-based resources. It is accompanied by filling out various forms with your information and confirmation of registration after the activation email.
Social network, sotsialka - a portal that connects people to the common characteristics or interests. Sotsialok An example might be: "classmates", "Vkontakte," Twitter »," YouTube "," Facebook ", raslichnye services online bookmarks, and many others.
Smiley - a combination of small text characters or graphic images. They aim to convey his emotion to the other party.
R, sleeping subject Fawn topic - the secret internet technology. Pale topic - the disclosure of nuances, previously unknown to ordinary users.
Top, topic, branch, the topic of the forum - often multi-page discussion of interesting social environment or individual user issue.
Topikstarter, TC - the person who created the theme and left the first message in it.
Troll, trolling - a user who likes to provoke others to a dispute yl swearing.
Flame; fleymer (flame) - is when the troll got his way and you come to him in the dispute. In general, the conversation topic turns to abuse, and ultimately not be added to the branch of useful information. Job Modera in such a situation, is to close the topic for further discussion.
Flood, flooders, fludilschik (flood) - a long commentary on topics not on the merits and without meaning.
Forum conference - a virtual section of this site is intended for visitors of written communication on various topics.
FAQ factor, HELP ( «Frequently Asced Questions», «Frequently Asked Questions") - section of the site or forum with answers to the questions most often onom asked.
Juzat (English Use) - used to enjoy something.
Juzverej (again from the Eng. «Use» - use) - no longer a "kettle", but not yet "User". You only beginning to understand something in the subject of working with computers and the Internet.
User (from the English «user») - the user computer (not "Lamer" and not "Kettle"), able and not afraid to use it.
Jargon "of bastards", found in forums and chat rooms (note)
Passage - similar капец.
Author, author - author, topikstarter topic of discussion.
The author is cool - by lights. Admiration the conduct of the author in the publication.
Hellish, hellish - the closest value to the "cool".
Atstoy, Atstoy - same as sludge, boring or accordionist message or material.
Весчь, "thing!" - A good estimate of the material or any content, software.
Vyser (verbal "vysmeshit") - disregard for commenting to the statements of the opponent.
Glamorous, glamorous (from Fr. Glamour - charmingly) - beautiful, charming, charming. But, used with irony.
Gothic, gotichnenko, gatishshna (from the English. Gothic - rough, uncouth, grotesque) - used to express admiration for the realization of something.
Tuk!, Dyk - "Well !..»," Ask! ". Indicates the full confidence of the speaker in the right. Type the above - an axiom.
Cool - normal score material, but not "tin".
Зачотный - very good material.
Z.Y. ( «PS») - postscript, written in Russian keyboard layout.
Li, ÛÛÛ, Ha, xki, Bo-ho-ho, LOL, Potstolom - stormy laughter.
Vasya Pupkin - The legendary personality Runet. Used in order to preserve their incognito
Tin - oddly enough, often it vyrazheniyae strong impression from what he saw, including the positive. But, used to denote something really hard, in fact
Zhzhosh, жжот, burn, light, etc. - vivid expression in publications and discussions.
Zhyznenna - positive assessment, emphasizing the relevance of the described.
Krosafcheg [-gg] luser - admired by another user, often ironic, but in principle positive.
ЛОЛ (transliteration LOL - Laughing Out Loud) - indicate a very loud laughter on the statement in the commentary.
Niasilil - was too lazy to read all the man to the end. And you have got here? "Aha!
Hello! Preved, Medved!, Priva, Priva, darof! - Hello Dear!
In the furnace!, Hosting or! - An ironic symbol of publication has no right to exist. In the view of using this expression, of course.
Many bukaf - Recent entries believes that another commentator wrote a very long post, and to no avail, because too lazy to read. Used in the expression "Many bukaf. Niasilil.
Рулез - good, cool, excellent
Saks - never good.
Witness Chumazeg, Онотолей, Anton Urals - in real time users. Everybody has a story with a negative reputation in RuNet (history yuzayte in Google). If you so called, it is not gud.
Stsylka, stsylko - link to the page of the site on the Internet, it is a link (URL).
Xs ... (if gently, then "hell knows") - do not know the answer to a question.
Hmm ... - the same as in the real, that is an expression of doubt.
What is phishing, and protect him on Yahoo!
You can not help noticing that the address in the Address bar to one letter different from the original, and enter a username and password in the form. As a result of your cabinet in the service falls into the hands of a rogue - he will get "keys" to lock in your account. As a result - lost money or sensitive data.
Return to your account in the service will be possible, as a rule, only referring to the administration for help. But it will take both time and nerves.
Phishing protection may be mainly only care user. We must remember that no one ever has to require you to enter personal data in any service, including the service itself that will not do. Also, some browsers can be integrated functional warning that the site is unreliable, and may work for anti-virus or firewall, if the phishing page from a computer virus climb.
But let me turn finally to Yahoo. To protect against phishing, they decided to make a "tag" for the computer. That is, you can set so that the entrance to the login page in the mailbox on the form will appear a special image.
The image may be as character text, and any image you downloaded. I only use numbers.
To create a print, go over the login form on the link "Create a personal seal ..", then select print what you create (text or upload an image). Print your text in the opened three ways to enter symbols (five each) and choose a background color Print this page (by clicking on "other colors ..."). To preview print click the button "Browse" button.
If satisfied, click "Save." Will show you the message that if you enter into the box from different computers, you need to create a print for everyone - click button "OK". You will transfer to the login page in the box. In the form of login and password, you will see you have created print - remember it and watch during the next authorization of Yahoo for its existence.
Here's a simple way to protect against phishing invented at Yahoo. To use or not - this is your choice. For access to the box, this chip does not affect.
And remember that the press is not tied to the mailbox, but to the user's computer, probably by setting a cookie ( in your computer. If you are using print, then configure it on all computers used to access the box.
And best of all, for access to the box, use the email clients Outlook Express and the Bat. And then, no longer necessity enter through the browser on the service itself.
See ten-minute video on how to make a print in Yahoo!:
Feb 2, 2010
How to register email inbox to Gmail
Many users of the search engine Google can not even suspect that in addition to search, the system provides an opportunity to open a free email account. This service is called Gmail, and check it is available at: Or, simply, go to the start page of Google and click on the link to Gmail, in the upper left menu interface of the search box. On the resulting page, click on the link "Sign up for Gmail", which is located right under the login form.

On the resulting page will be available for registration form, there is need to fill in the following fields:
"Name:" (you can Cyrillic)
"Name:" (you can Cyrillic)
"User logon name (username):" (in Latin characters and / or numbers) - then you can immediately check whether freely chosen name by clicking on the button under the form
"Enter password: (inventing the password from the Latin characters and / or numbers - no less than eight characters, or will not accept registration!)
"Enter password again:" (enter the same password as in the previous column)
We put or not put a tick "Remember me on this computer." - Choice
To reset the password to the account, in case it is lost, select the "secret question" and "response" to it.
"Additional e-mail: - indicate the address of the backup to restore your account, if any.
"Location:" - select the country of residence
Word Verification: "- with pictures in the picture (captcha) enter the characters in the form
"Terms of Service:" - read, do you agree with them
After fill click on the button: "I accept the terms. Create my account. If something is incorrect, you will find yourself back at the questionnaire, but the comments under the form of red. Please read them carefully and try to fill in correctly.
If all goes well, then you will find yourself on the page with the message of the completion of registration. There you can read the information, as if impatient, then click on the link "I'm ready - show me my account." You will find yourself in an e-mail box, and immediately receive a congratulatory letter from the Gmail Team

On the left side you'll see a menu box, where there is a link to: "Send email", "Inbox, Starred, Chats, Sent Mail, Drafts, All Mail, Spam, Trash "Address Book" - in these folders is working with letters. Right from the top menu with links to the settings of your account and information. The contents of folders, boxes and letters will be shown in great shape right of the menu box. To create and send messages click "Compose Mail" in the left menu.
According to my personal impressions, a box, in standard form, not very comfortable to use. Therefore, if you have a slow connection, then the bottom right click on the link "View Mode Gmail: ... | Simplified. It will be much faster everything works.
If you want to configure your email client to receive mail on your computer with such a box, the instructions look at the help page: a list of supported IMAP-Client
Well, in principle, and all. I recall only that do not forget to write down all the details of registration, in order not to lose the box, if its value to you.
Videoclip describes the process of recording mailbox service Gmail:
(Warning: Weight Video - 11,7 MB if you have a weak connection, then after the start, press pause and wait for loading video!)
On the resulting page will be available for registration form, there is need to fill in the following fields:
"Name:" (you can Cyrillic)
"Name:" (you can Cyrillic)
"User logon name (username):" (in Latin characters and / or numbers) - then you can immediately check whether freely chosen name by clicking on the button under the form
"Enter password: (inventing the password from the Latin characters and / or numbers - no less than eight characters, or will not accept registration!)
"Enter password again:" (enter the same password as in the previous column)
We put or not put a tick "Remember me on this computer." - Choice
To reset the password to the account, in case it is lost, select the "secret question" and "response" to it.
"Additional e-mail: - indicate the address of the backup to restore your account, if any.
"Location:" - select the country of residence
Word Verification: "- with pictures in the picture (captcha) enter the characters in the form
"Terms of Service:" - read, do you agree with them
After fill click on the button: "I accept the terms. Create my account. If something is incorrect, you will find yourself back at the questionnaire, but the comments under the form of red. Please read them carefully and try to fill in correctly.
If all goes well, then you will find yourself on the page with the message of the completion of registration. There you can read the information, as if impatient, then click on the link "I'm ready - show me my account." You will find yourself in an e-mail box, and immediately receive a congratulatory letter from the Gmail Team
On the left side you'll see a menu box, where there is a link to: "Send email", "Inbox, Starred, Chats, Sent Mail, Drafts, All Mail, Spam, Trash "Address Book" - in these folders is working with letters. Right from the top menu with links to the settings of your account and information. The contents of folders, boxes and letters will be shown in great shape right of the menu box. To create and send messages click "Compose Mail" in the left menu.
According to my personal impressions, a box, in standard form, not very comfortable to use. Therefore, if you have a slow connection, then the bottom right click on the link "View Mode Gmail: ... | Simplified. It will be much faster everything works.
If you want to configure your email client to receive mail on your computer with such a box, the instructions look at the help page: a list of supported IMAP-Client
Well, in principle, and all. I recall only that do not forget to write down all the details of registration, in order not to lose the box, if its value to you.
Videoclip describes the process of recording mailbox service Gmail:
(Warning: Weight Video - 11,7 MB if you have a weak connection, then after the start, press pause and wait for loading video!)
Feb 1, 2010
Better to ask twice than once make a mess. © Sholom Aleichem
Sometimes you need to find a short answer to a short question. Although this is a utopia, of course. There are short questions that are written entire books, and not by one author. "What to do?", For example. But here with us to the rescue comes the Internet. Namely, the projects are structured as "Question - Answer". They are quite a lot in the network in different types of performance. I also briefly address only two: "Otvety@Mail.Ru" and "Google. Questions and Answers". I consider them the most popular in RuNet and quite good quality answers.
First consider the service "Otvety@Mail.Ru".
In order to ask questions and receive answers to them must be a registered user mail portal Mail.Ru. Do not, under authorization, you can only view pages of questions and enjoy searching for the service.
Having come to the main page you will see a listing of all past issues. If you take advantage of links to categories, you can view the questions on specific topics. For example - "Computers, the Internet. You will be able to answer questions, as well as directly in the category, ask your question in a special form.
Given the large number of service users, in just a few minutes you can get a lot of answers. Of course, not all of them are qualified. Moreover, the part will be, at best, humorous. However, it is likely and appropriate responses. Indeed, many experts want to be recognized as the best answer for improving the service.
For answers to other people's questions, you will receive points. And for these points raised by you will be charged. You can also set ratings for answers and in foreign affairs. But, this whole thing is - important to get the answer to your question.
To you on the box will be sent letters with notification of responses, so that you can keep track of your question.
Next in our service is "Google. Questions and Answers".
It also needs to be a registered user. At least have an account on Gmail e-mail. Service interface is much easier than email, which is inherent in all of the services of Google. Top of the page you will see a search form of questions and answers, which also serves to create the issue. You need to enter the question in the form and click accordingly: "Searching questions and answers" or "Ask". After clicking 'submit' you will transfer to the shape of its creation.
In principle, for the completion of the question, you can add only offered by Google by the labels (keywords question) and click the "Add question". After that, your question will appear in the general list, and it will be able to answer other authorized users. But you can fill in the field "Additional Information", choose the value of bonus points for the best answer to the question and view the proposed service similar questions, which already have the answers. You can also tick off, if you wish to be notified about responses to the mailbox.
You can also earn points to improve its reputation as an expert.
Only if both services are no answers in the first hour, then the chance to get an answer to a miserable future.
To demonstrate in the video, I asked the question: "Is it possible to repair the hard drive?" - On the grounds of the previous article on backup media. The responses to it, you can see, passing on links to pages of questions: on Mail.Ru and on Google.
And finally a few aphorisms on the subject from the great:
Questions are never indiscreet. In contrast to the responses.
Oscar Wilde
Better to ask twice than once make a mess.
Sholom Aleichem
When asked a lot - little thought and poorly remembers.
Maxim Gorky
On the human mind is easier to judge by his questions than he answers.
Gaston Lewis
Online video "How and where to ask questions of the Internet to get answers to them.":
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