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Feb 21, 2011

RuTvit - registering on Twitter in Russian

Like many successful Western internet projects in microblogging service appear their counterparts. And it happens, as in burzhuynete and in runet. Playing on the fact that the official Twitter, has until now Russian-language user interface has been created exclusively Russian-language service RuTvit. Will it be possible to repeat the feat VKontakte creators, classmates and RuTuba, successfully transfer services FaceBook , MySpace and YouTube , we'll see over time. But today users runet already can use their Twitter in Russian, in which one can register and communicate is completely analogous to Twitter.

Register and configure RuTvit

Well, let us and we will register on RuTvit. To do this:

Go to the service at the link
There at the top of the page click on "Register"
On the next page you will be asked to write his first tweet. Obviously, this is done to cut autoenrollment robots. Describe up to 140 characters is what you dream today look :-) and press the yellow button "Leave"
Will be incremental form in which to indicate their: name, desired nickname (alias), password and email address. After that, click "Register".
In the new window you will be asked to subscribe to rutvity existing users. To do this, click the "Read selected authors." If you do not want to do it, then click "Skip"
The next step you can find all the friends from other services who are already using RuTvit, Tweeter in Russian. You can choose your service, check out the list and start reading found. If you do not want to do it again, click "Ignore."

If you want to do this procedure again, you can do, then using the link in the "Who to read".

In the next step, you will find yourself in Settings-SMS - Mobile Phone "in your account on RuTvit. Here you can enter your mobile phone from which the later with the help of SMS will add their tweets (messages). So far available only for Russian citizens.

Back in the "Options", you can:

To indicate their e-wallets in the "Money."
In the "Profile" to indicate their additional data. There will also be a message of a letter with the activation sent to your email box. Check e-mail and click on the link in the email. Open the setting page "Profile" to confirm the activation.
Indicate where you are geographically located in the "Location"
Upload your avatar in the "Avatar of"
Adjust to taste the appearance of the interface in p. "Appearance." There you can change colors and upload a background image.
The page "Password" you can change your current password to your account to a new
In the "Notifications" check the box to your preferred options and click "Save"
In the "I'm on other sites, specify your account for service: twitter, friendfeed, livejournal, vkontakte,,,,, liveinternet. Naturally as you wish
Under settings, "Export and Import Export, configure and / or import of their messages to and from Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook, LiveJournal, Google Buzz. Again, if desired.
On the page "Expert" is a useful feature for each site owner. Firstly, there can be a reply message to the user who started you read. You can also adjust automatic subscription to it. Secondly, there can drive address RCC feeds to your blog. From that moment on, all announcements of new posts from him will begin to broadcast in Ruthven.

In general, these settings you can change, and then in the process of using the service. Links to different sections of the service and options available in the upper part of the interface and in the footer (bottom of page).

In order to enter its page on RuTvit, click on his nickname, which should be visible in the Tools menu. Or, if you need to log in click "Login" and enter a username (nickname) and password to your account.


Everything from this point on you can add your tweets in a special form of broadcast news with a blog in RuTvit, communicate with other users and so on. If you go to the main page of the service by clicking on the "Ruthven" in the upper left corner of the browser screen, you can read what they write in the moment your friends. And on the right side of the interface will work pane, with additional information on the number of friends, there are reports and assessments.

I think that in the process of service will grow into new opportunities or will fade itself not justified. And of course, that as long as Twitter, twitter our service without the monetization work is unlikely to be able to. Although still in its advertising is not observed, and use it quite comfortably.

Video Podcast  - "RuTvit - Twitter in Russian. Overview and Registration" ( Download ).

Registration in RuTvit mode reality show account Overview of RuTvita, configuration, integration with Twitter and FaceBook.

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